Bibliographic citations
Gonzales, Y., Villegas, M. (2016). Costo de producción y el margen de utilidad bruta por producto en las pollerías Medileny E.I.R.L. y negocios ALF E.I.R.L. de Cajamarca, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Gonzales, Y., Villegas, M. Costo de producción y el margen de utilidad bruta por producto en las pollerías Medileny E.I.R.L. y negocios ALF E.I.R.L. de Cajamarca, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Costo de producción y el margen de utilidad bruta por producto en las pollerías Medileny E.I.R.L. y negocios ALF E.I.R.L. de Cajamarca, 2016",
author = "Villegas Burgos, Marco Edwin",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT The objective of the following thesis is to determine the relation between the production cost per product and the operating profit margin of these restaurants: “Medileny E.I.R.L.” and “Negocios ALF E.I.R.L.”, which are located in the city of Cajamarca. Before to start with the calculation of production costs of both restaurants, we have to explain some concepts related to the theme in order to understand the development of this research, such as elements of the production cost (Direct Raw Material, Direct Labor Pool and Manufacturing Overhead Costs, as well as Selling Expenses and Administrative Expenses) The process to get the production costs starts to collect the necessary information through some instruments (Observation Sheet and Term-document Matrix), in the Observation Sheet the following information was compiled: ingredient costs, cost of labor pool, manufacturing overhead costs and expenses of administration and sales; in the Term-document Matrix: the amount of product sold in a week. After these activities, it will estimate the product cost, which will determine the true cost of every product that is offered in these restaurants. Finally through the state of results by the absorbent method, we will determine the operative utility which will be divided between the sales. It will get the Operating Profit Margin that is generated by every restaurant on the basis of product that are offered, in order to give information that will be useful, true and appropiated that helps to take decisions in the restaurants “Medileny E.I.R.L.” and “Negocios ALF E.I.R.L.”
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