Bibliographic citations
Quezada, L., (2023). Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de mantenimiento para reducir los costos de operación de una empresa agroindustrial, Trujillo, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Quezada, L., Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de mantenimiento para reducir los costos de operación de una empresa agroindustrial, Trujillo, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de mantenimiento para reducir los costos de operación de una empresa agroindustrial, Trujillo, 2021",
author = "Quezada Leiva, Leitter Edward",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The main objective of this research is to establish and develop maintenance management plans to reduce costs, including the necessary improvements in different parts of the process that allow reducing operating costs, labor costs in maintenance and manufacturing, costs of spare parts and materials by improving the purchasing process, and reducing the amount of immobilized material. Firstly, a diagnosis of the current state of maintenance management was made and it was verified that there is a maintenance plan based on reliability, despite this, problems are manifested in which improvements can be proposed, and reduce the number of corrective maintenances. For the realization and collection of information, collection tools such as interviews with maintenance managers were applied and later, contingencies or problems faced by the company were evaluated with an observation guide. As a result, It was determined that the energy balance of the company does not have optimal performance and as a consequence a high purchase of bagasse or lost time in the distillery, due to constant steam leaks in main lines. Also, that the company does not control or schedule the maintenance it performs, achieving unscheduled stops. At the same time, a spare parts consumption plan was generated to reduce the cost of inventories, and considerable cost reduction for regularization. The equipment in two stages of elaboration 1 and 2 were identified according to the process and its criticality, identifying at the same time equipment that does not have a maintenance plan and other equipment that must be removed from the plan, obtaining a total of 654 pieces of equipment. Where, In development #01 we have 279 teams and 375 in development #02 respectively. To improve the problem, 3 solution proposals were determined: Preventive Maintenance Plan, focused on reliability (RCM) and Improvement in the purchasing process. A cost reduction was obtained amounting to 624,609 soles per year. Finally, the benefit - cost was detailed, the analysis of the economic flow of the project determined a period of return on investment of 1.66 years with a VAN and IRR of S/2,097,433 and 73.1%.
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