Bibliographic citations
Bracamonte, R., Jauregui, C. (2021). Propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing para aumentar la productividad de la materia prima en la empresa Servicios e Inversiones Nathanael S. A. C. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Bracamonte, R., Jauregui, C. Propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing para aumentar la productividad de la materia prima en la empresa Servicios e Inversiones Nathanael S. A. C. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing para aumentar la productividad de la materia prima en la empresa Servicios e Inversiones Nathanael S. A. C.",
author = "Jauregui Cabellos, Cecilia del Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The general purpose of this work was the development of a proposal for the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools, in the areas of Production and Quality, to increase the productivity of the raw material in the company Servicios e Inversiones Nathanel SAC. As an initial part, a current diagnosis of the company was made in the areas of study, specifically in the production of type C asparagus as it is the one that has the largest sales and operating expenses in the company. After identifying the problems, the economic impact they generate on the company was determined. The proposal was subsequently developed; which included a Preventive Maintenance Plan, MRP, Quality Control Letters and Production Process Capacity Studies, 5 S's and a Training Plan. Finally, an economic and financial analysis of the proposal was made to verify the feasibility of the proposal; so, a VAN of S/5,060,953.97 was obtained; TIR of 1134%; PRI of 0.5 years and B/C of 3.1, it was concluded that this proposal is viable and profitable for the agro-industrial company Servicios e Inversiones Nathanel SAC.
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