Bibliographic citations
Azabache, M., Polo, J. (2014). Estrategias de internacionalización para la exportación del calzado de la empresa Calzados Paredes S.A.C. al país de Chile para el periodo 2014 - 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Del Norte].
Azabache, M., Polo, J. Estrategias de internacionalización para la exportación del calzado de la empresa Calzados Paredes S.A.C. al país de Chile para el periodo 2014 - 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Del Norte; 2014.
title = "Estrategias de internacionalización para la exportación del calzado de la empresa Calzados Paredes S.A.C. al país de Chile para el periodo 2014 - 2019",
author = "Polo Sánchez, July Jesenia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Del Norte",
year = "2014"
ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is to propose internationalization strategies in order to export the footwear of the company from Trujillo “Calzados Paredes SAC” and encourage it’s international openness, through a pre-selection of markets among them are Ecuador, United States, Canada, Chile and the Dominican Republic, which are still the main destinations of Peruvian exports of footwear in the last 5 years, resulting as the best attractive market to export to our neighboring country Chile; this country is interesting for having a stable economy, economic agreements, is simpler and cheaper to start a business with this country; also has a transparent environment, well regulated and politically steady. In order to determine the best strategies for internationalization to be used, we take advantage of the national recognition and the entrepreneurship from “La Libertad”, especially the city of Trujillo, having as Information Base the export enterprises from “la Libertad”. The proposed strategies are differentiation and market penetration, through them the enterprise Calzados Paredes S.A.C. would have a better commercial vision and will allow the opening to the Chile’s Market, developing a product of quality to an exigent market, identifying the needs from the segment to which the footwear is intended.
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