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Pariona, E., (2023). Control interno del IGV de turistas no domiciliados en la empresa hotelera Miramar, Lima - 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Pariona, E., Control interno del IGV de turistas no domiciliados en la empresa hotelera Miramar, Lima - 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Control interno del IGV de turistas no domiciliados en la empresa hotelera Miramar, Lima - 2020",
author = "Pariona Soto, Edgar Anderson",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Title: Control interno del IGV de turistas no domiciliados en la empresa hotelera Miramar, Lima - 2020
Authors(s): Pariona Soto, Edgar Anderson
Advisor(s): León Muñoz, Juan Antonio
Keywords: Impuesto a la renta; Industria hotelera; Viajeros; Control interno; Evaluación de riesgos; Internal control; Risk assessment; General sales tax
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 8-Feb-2023
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La presente investigación denominada: “ CONTROL INTERNO DEL IGV DE LOS TURISTAS NO DOMICILIADOS EN LA EMPRESA HOTELERA MIRAMAR, LIMA - 2020”, tuvo como objetivo determinar la manera como se administra el control interno a través de la administración del ambiente de control, la evaluación de riesgos, la evaluación de las actividades de control, el análisis del proceso de información y comunicación y el monitoreo del IGV en los turistas no domiciliados de la empresa hotelera Miramar, Lima – 2020, para lo cual se desarrolló un enfoque cualitativo, a través de un diseño no experimental descriptivo, con la técnica de observación y se consideró como instrumento la lista de cotejo, tomando como referencias los indicadores de las dimensiones evaluadas, para posteriormente obtener los resultados. Se logro detectar que en la mayoría de las dimensiones estudiadas del control interno del Impuesto General a la Ventas (IGV), están encaminados al cumplimiento, por lo que se concluye que están mejorando el control interno del IGV no domiciliado.
The present investigation called: "INTERNAL CONTROL OF THE IGV OF THE TOURISTS NOT HOME IN THE HOTEL COMPANY MIRAMAR, LIMA - 2020", had as objective to determine the way in which the internal control is administered through the administration of the control environment, the evaluation of risks, the evaluation of the control activities, the analysis of the information and communication process and the monitoring of the IGV in the non-resident tourists of the hotel company Miramar, Lima - 2020, for which a qualitative approach was developed, through of a descriptive non-experimental design, with the observation technique and the checklist was considered as an instrument, taking as references the indicators of the evaluated dimensions, to subsequently obtain the results. It was possible to detect that in most of the studied dimensions of the internal control of the General Sales Tax (IGV), they are aimed at compliance, so it is concluded that they are improving the internal control of the non-domiciled IVA.
The present investigation called: "INTERNAL CONTROL OF THE IGV OF THE TOURISTS NOT HOME IN THE HOTEL COMPANY MIRAMAR, LIMA - 2020", had as objective to determine the way in which the internal control is administered through the administration of the control environment, the evaluation of risks, the evaluation of the control activities, the analysis of the information and communication process and the monitoring of the IGV in the non-resident tourists of the hotel company Miramar, Lima - 2020, for which a qualitative approach was developed, through of a descriptive non-experimental design, with the observation technique and the checklist was considered as an instrument, taking as references the indicators of the evaluated dimensions, to subsequently obtain the results. It was possible to detect that in most of the studied dimensions of the internal control of the General Sales Tax (IGV), they are aimed at compliance, so it is concluded that they are improving the internal control of the non-domiciled IVA.
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Discipline: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Contador Público
Juror: Villavicencio Eizaguirre, Maximo; Rodriguez Reynoso, Maria Betsabe; Vejarano Garcia, Victoria Haydee
Register date: 18-Apr-2023
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