Bibliographic citations
Narva, O., (2023). Propuesta de un hogar de refugio temporal para mujeres maltratadas basado en los efectos psicoambientales de las áreas verdes en la salud mental en el distrito de la Esperanza – Trujillo 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Narva, O., Propuesta de un hogar de refugio temporal para mujeres maltratadas basado en los efectos psicoambientales de las áreas verdes en la salud mental en el distrito de la Esperanza – Trujillo 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Propuesta de un hogar de refugio temporal para mujeres maltratadas basado en los efectos psicoambientales de las áreas verdes en la salud mental en el distrito de la Esperanza – Trujillo 2020",
author = "Narva Vasquez, Olinda Maria del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
This thesis aims to develop a project that will help curb the growth of femicide and abuse against women, through the Proposal for a Temporary Shelter Home for Battered Women based on the Psychoenvironmental Effects of green areas in the District of Hope, Trujillo; since they currently do not have an establishment as such in said district. Although the figures obtained are truly alarming, they are not a clear reflection of reality, since a large number of women decide to remain silent in the face of violence due to the fact that they feel vulnerable and above all helpless, because they do not consider that there is an adequate place that provide the psychological, emotional and legal support to get ahead. Through the study of the Psychoenvironmental Effects of green areas, we were able to obtain certain criteria and consideration to be able to apply them under certain guidelines to the architectural object, in such a way that these effects have a positive impact and a project can be designed with optimal conditions for the recovery of these women.
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