Bibliographic citations
Álvarez, E., González, M. (2019). Factores determinantes del comportamiento de compra del consumidor taxista: caso de las tiendas de conveniencia en estaciones de servicio en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Álvarez, E., González, M. Factores determinantes del comportamiento de compra del consumidor taxista: caso de las tiendas de conveniencia en estaciones de servicio en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Factores determinantes del comportamiento de compra del consumidor taxista: caso de las tiendas de conveniencia en estaciones de servicio en Lima Metropolitana",
author = "González Olivera, Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
The investigation aimed to elucidate what are the most determining factors in the purchasing behavior of the consumer taxi drivers of products from the convenience stores in the Service Stations in Metropolitan Lima. Having a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental - transversal research design, with a causal descriptive and correlational level. The questionnaire was used as a tool, which was applied to a sample made up of 381 independent formal taxi drivers users of the main 04 convenience stores identified in Metropolitan Lima, being selected through probabilistic sampling. It was found that the most determining factors, according to the highest values obtained in the correlation test, were the personal and psychological factors with 0.540 and 0.561, respectively; Likewise, cultural and social factors did not represent greater conditioning in purchasing behavior, values of 0.474 and 0.219, being below the minimum accepted to assert their determination. It concludes in the acceptance of the research hypothesis, which identifies the behavior of the main consumers of one of the business models with better prospects in the local economy, such as convenience stores in service stations, waiting for Contribute as a valuable background for future research.
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