Bibliographic citations
Gonzáles, M., (2012). Plan de negocios para la implementación de una agencia de viajes especializada en turismo alternativo a desarrollar en el destino turístico Isla Foca-Piura, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Privada Del Norte].
Gonzáles, M., Plan de negocios para la implementación de una agencia de viajes especializada en turismo alternativo a desarrollar en el destino turístico Isla Foca-Piura, Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Del Norte; 2012.
title = "Plan de negocios para la implementación de una agencia de viajes especializada en turismo alternativo a desarrollar en el destino turístico Isla Foca-Piura, Perú",
author = "Gonzáles González, Melissa Arlette",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Del Norte",
year = "2012"
This paper entitled "Business Plan for the implementation of a travel agency specializing in developing alternative tourism destination in Isla Foca-Piura, Peru", aims to demonstrate the viability of a business in this sector. This project was created because as we know at present the tourism sector as an investment idea to the current opportunities, because we know the tourism sector represents a great business opportunity for growth in Peru. We have discovered an interesting niche within the tourism sector is not yet satisfied: tourists from Europe and North America who want to arrive to Piura and get alternative tourism amenities to interesting destinations. That is why "Natural Reserve" will be characterized by proposing a different tourism, as it will be the first to offer a specialized tour to a little known destination but aims to become very short time in a Natural Reserve Area by its huge tourism potential. "Natural Reserve" will implement a tourism marketing management for the development of its package "Hidden World" The initial investment is approximately S/.142, 942. On the horizon of the project life of 5 years, investment will recover in the second year of operations and generate additional revenue of S /. 64.525. 40% of the investment is financed by the Bank of Credit and 60% will be financed through contributions from the three shareholders. As demonstrated in the study, this Business Plan is a cost effective alternative for investment, with a rate of return on investment of 98% and Economic NPV of S /. 400.490 new soles with a benefit / cost of 3.8.The capital recovery period is one year. All these indicators tell me that the project is viable and doable.
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