Bibliographic citations
Llanos, K., (2018). Propuesta de implementación de buenas prácticas de manufactura BPM y los procedimientos operacionales estandarizados de saneamiento POES en la planta de lácteos del I.S.T. fe y alegría n°57 – CEFOP Cajamarca I para contribuir en la inocuidad del producto [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Llanos, K., Propuesta de implementación de buenas prácticas de manufactura BPM y los procedimientos operacionales estandarizados de saneamiento POES en la planta de lácteos del I.S.T. fe y alegría n°57 – CEFOP Cajamarca I para contribuir en la inocuidad del producto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Propuesta de implementación de buenas prácticas de manufactura BPM y los procedimientos operacionales estandarizados de saneamiento POES en la planta de lácteos del I.S.T. fe y alegría n°57 – CEFOP Cajamarca I para contribuir en la inocuidad del producto",
author = "Llanos Jave, Katherine Mayely",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The present investigation, which was carried out in the IST Fe and Algeria dairy plant No. 57 - CEFOP Cajamarca I, identified the lack of manuals and breaches of Good manufacturing practices and standardized operational procedures for sanitation, which generates a poor safety in the final product. It began with a diagnosis that was made through a checklist based on current Peruvian standards such as Supreme Decree No. 007 - 2017 MINAGRI Regulation of milk and milk products, General Standard of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS STAN 206 Regulation of Surveillance and Control Food and Beverage Sanitary DS N ° 007 - 98 and Ministerial Resolution N ° 615 - 2003 - SA / DM Microbiological Criteria for Sanitary Quality and Safety for food and beverages for human consumption. That is why with the proposed implementation of good manufacturing practices (BPM) and standardized operational procedures for sanitation (POES) will be developed to develop manuals of BPMs and POES that in addition to complying with the regulations contribute to the safety of the product. It was hypothesized that when proposing the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Standardized Operational Sanitation Procedures (POES) in the Dairy Plant of I.S.T. Fe y Alegría N ° 57 - CEFOP Cajamarca will contribute to the safety of the product since techniques and tools will be applied that benefit us with the understanding of the content of the research, such as manual of BPMs, manual of POES, checklists, diagrams of operation, analytical diagrams, path diagrams. In conclusion, it is essential to prepare the Manuals of Good Manufacturing Practices and Standardized Operational Sanitation Procedures based on the aforementioned regulations, which will comply with the corresponding regulations guaranteeing and ensuring the quality of the products elaborated in the CEFOP dairy plant. Cajamarca Finally, the comprehensive implementation of these manuals is recommended, as well as their monitoring and control for better development and in order to continue improving them.
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