Bibliographic citations
Machuca, E., Perales, A. (2023). Aceptabilidad y efectos secundarios del implante subdérmico en mujeres de edad fértil del Consultorio Especializado De La Mujer Obstetric Care - La Molina en el año 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Machuca, E., Perales, A. Aceptabilidad y efectos secundarios del implante subdérmico en mujeres de edad fértil del Consultorio Especializado De La Mujer Obstetric Care - La Molina en el año 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Aceptabilidad y efectos secundarios del implante subdérmico en mujeres de edad fértil del Consultorio Especializado De La Mujer Obstetric Care - La Molina en el año 2021",
author = "Perales Pujada, Angela Pierina",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The subdermal implant is a contraceptive method that provides protection for 3 years after insertion, its main mechanism of action is to prevent the ovulation process by causing changes in cervical mucus. The objective of the research was to determine the level of acceptability and side effects of the subdermal implant in women of childbearing age at the specialized office for women Obstetric Care - La Molina. A quantitative study with a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive and prospective design was presented, exceptionally a sample of 97 women of childbearing age who attend the family planning service, the employee was a questionnaire. The results indicated that there is a high level of acceptability (67.7%), the most frequent side effects correspond to menstrual disturbance (80%), acne (47.7%), headache (56.2%), alteration in weight (36.2%). and breast pain (35.4%). In conclusion, the subdermal implant has a high level of acceptability in users aged 20 to 23 years, it has adverse effects such as menstrual disorders, acne, headache, diabetes in weight and breast pain.
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