Bibliographic citations
Padilla, K., (2018). Análisis de la oferta exportable de arándanos frescos con destino a EE.UU. de la empresa Agroinversiones Valle y Pampa S.A. en el año 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Padilla, K., Análisis de la oferta exportable de arándanos frescos con destino a EE.UU. de la empresa Agroinversiones Valle y Pampa S.A. en el año 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Análisis de la oferta exportable de arándanos frescos con destino a EE.UU. de la empresa Agroinversiones Valle y Pampa S.A. en el año 2017",
author = "Padilla Peña, Karoll Lisbeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The present investigation consists of carrying out a study on the current situation of the exportable supply with the account of the exporting companies of fresh blueberries to the USA. during 2017. Throughout the report, Peruvian blueberry stands out as one of the fastest growing crops in the last 5 years and with greater potential for a future, since this product has been classified as a great business opportunity, Soon, since Is a non-traditional fruit is very appreciated in the European, North American and Asian markets for its flavor, properties and characteristics. In order to analyze and correctly determine the exportable offer, it is considered a lot of variables that they are classified in three dimensions. The first, business management, which seeks to verify how well it has managed the company itself (proper loan management, annual sales growth, and environmental certificates.) The second, production management, in this dimension is about to reflect the correct compliance with the quality standards required for entry to said market, and whether it is capable of maintaining an export capacity above the average of its domestic competitors. And lastly, export management, verifying the efficient use of experience, negotiation capacity, means of payment used as well as the breadth of its client portfolio and presence in international fairs. Each variable has a scale of 0 to 4, classifying as highly inefficient, very inefficient, efficient, very efficient and highly efficient. Subsequently the variables are included by dimensions, obtaining an average and a fashion. Finalizing with the analysis and determination of the level of the exportable offer based on the 3 dimensions previously analyzed separately. For a better analysis of the exportable offer, the company AGROINVERSIONES VALLE Y PAMPA S.A. for being one of the first companies to export blueberries to the US. Taking into account everything that is related to this study show that the exportable offer of the company AGROINVERSIONES VALLE Y PAMPA S.A. exceeded initial expectations and get be classified as VERY EFFICIENT.
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