Bibliographic citations
Tirado, E., (2018). La motivación y su influencia en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de una empresa de construcción civil de la provincia de Cajabamba, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Tirado, E., La motivación y su influencia en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de una empresa de construcción civil de la provincia de Cajabamba, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "La motivación y su influencia en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de una empresa de construcción civil de la provincia de Cajabamba, 2018",
author = "Tirado Rios, Edith Magaly",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to establish how motivation influences the labor performance of workers in a civil construction company in Cajabamba, 2018, with the understanding that motivation is an essential factor in the achievement of business and personal achievements from the workers; this coupled with the analysis of human talent in this company. The approach used was quantitative, correlational in nature, whose design is transversal, based on the variables: motivation and work performance. For the sample, a survey was applied that contained 44 questions to 30 workers, with a scale amplitude of five categories (totally in disagreement, in disagreement, neutral, in agreement, totally in agreement). The reliability analysis resulted in the Cronbach's Alpha of 95%. The SPSS software was used, through the Bivariada Pearson and D Somers correlation hypothesis test, presenting as a result a significance level of 0.000 (α <0.05). Result D of Somers yielded a result of 0.843 and Pearson r of 0.943, concluding that the motivation positively and significantly influences the labor performance of workers in a civil construction company in Cajabamba. KEYWORDS: motivation, job performance, construction company, collaborators.
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