Bibliographic citations
Delgado, J., (2021). Habilidades gerenciales en la competitividad empresarial de clínicas veterinarias en Lima Metropolitana, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Delgado, J., Habilidades gerenciales en la competitividad empresarial de clínicas veterinarias en Lima Metropolitana, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Habilidades gerenciales en la competitividad empresarial de clínicas veterinarias en Lima Metropolitana, 2021",
author = "Delgado Sanchez, Jose Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The main objective of this study is to determine the influence of managerial skills on business competitiveness in veterinary clinics in 2021. A correlational research tipe was carried out with a quantitative, explanatory-deductive approach, using a non-experimental, transectional design, causal. As a measurement instrument, a questionnaire was used, which was applied to 100 owners and / or managers of veterinary clinics located in the city of Lima. The applied questionnaire was made up of 44 items. The Likert scale with 5 options was used to answer each item. The results were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS Version 25, determining the validation of the hypothesis test through a Correlation coefficient test and evaluating the degree and meaning of the analysis using the Sperman Rho test. The results showed that there is a good and positive correlation (0.734) of managerial skills in business competitiveness (99% confidence, p <0.01). Likewise, it was found that the dimensions strategic planning, globalization and human resources have a good and positive correlation (0.646, 0.640, 0.622 respectively) (99% confidence, p <0.01); while the strategic management dimension has a moderate and positive correlation (0.526) (99% confidence, p <0.01). The study concludes that there is an influence of managerial skills on the business competitiveness of Veterinary Clinics in Metropolitan Lima in 2021.
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