Bibliographic citations
Jimenez, M., Villanueva, A. (2023). Uso de biopolímeros a base de almidón natural para reemplazar el plástico en microempresas del distrito de Trujillo, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Jimenez, M., Villanueva, A. Uso de biopolímeros a base de almidón natural para reemplazar el plástico en microempresas del distrito de Trujillo, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Uso de biopolímeros a base de almidón natural para reemplazar el plástico en microempresas del distrito de Trujillo, 2020",
author = "Villanueva Meyer Garfias, Andrea Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The growth of plastics and their slow degradability causes havoc in the environment, threatening ecosystems. For this reason, this research has the objective of determining the environmental feasibility of the use of biopolymers based on natural starch to replace plastic in micro-enterprises in the district of Trujillo, 2020. The methodology consists of using a data collection instrument (the survey), with a sample size of 72 respondents determining the market study. With the help of the survey and the Excel program, a frequency table was created for the willingness to pay regarding the implementation of biopolymers based on natural starch. Finally, an environmental proposal was formulated for the design of the prototype of a biopolymer plant based on natural starch. Therefore, the results were that the use of biopolymers based on natural starch is "Environmentally Feasible"; the market study allowed the analysis of acceptance of the biodegradable product; 40% of those surveyed would be willing to pay 20 to 40 soles and 35%, 80 soles or more to implement natural starch products; and the environmental proposal would serve as a long-term solution at a socio-economic and environmental level.
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