Citas bibligráficas
Bazan, A., Vasquez, A. (2018). Influencia de medidas de mitigación de impactos ambientales para el cierre de minas en la mina de carbón Juana, Cajamarca, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Bazan, A., Vasquez, A. Influencia de medidas de mitigación de impactos ambientales para el cierre de minas en la mina de carbón Juana, Cajamarca, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Influencia de medidas de mitigación de impactos ambientales para el cierre de minas en la mina de carbón Juana, Cajamarca, 2018",
author = "Vasquez Guevara, Alex",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
This thesis aims to develop a mine closure plan in the Juana coal mine, Cajamarca 2018. The objectives of the thesis are to determine the environmental impacts and associated risks that are generated in the mine, develop a plan of measures for the mitigation and correction of environmental impacts and associated risks. The hypothesis of this thesis explains that if a mine closure plan is elaborated, it will be achieved mitigate and correct the environmental impacts and environmental risks that are generated in the Juana coal mine. With this thesis, impacts to the physical environment were determined, such as water, air and soil; within the biological impacts we have the flora and fauna; Finally, the socioeconomic impacts that are generally positive were determined since they are considered to be a source of work generation. With the global approach it is concluded that these activities have a mild to moderate impact. The plan of measures for the mitigation and correction of environmental impacts and associated risks. It was elaborated based on the prevention program, mitigation control, landscape management program, training program and environmental education. One of the most important activities is revegetation.
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