Bibliographic citations
López, P., (2012). Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa comercializadora de termas solares en Trujillo y Victor Larco. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
López, P., Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa comercializadora de termas solares en Trujillo y Victor Larco. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2012.
title = "Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una empresa comercializadora de termas solares en Trujillo y Victor Larco.",
author = "López Marchán, Pedro H.",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2012"
ABSTRACT The present study has as objective to determine the economy and financial viability to constitute a company dedicated to commercialization of solar heaters in the city of Trujillo, Victor Larco. The idea is to implement a place where solar heaters for homes of the sectors A, B and C are commercialized offering guarantee and satisfying customers, also the product will have an excellent service, installation, technic information and a proper maintenance of the product, all this to reassure and fidelize the customer. The product looks to position itself as a differentiated product, a service adapted to every need of our customers. We want to spread the use of solar heaters giving confort and warmness to every home. The project will generate revenue in the first year of S/. 1 903 800 amount that will increment during the time period to reach in the fifth year the total of S/. 2 371 200 The project analysis generates a COK average of 11,19% which was determined by adjusting the formula of CAPM to country risk. The investment required is S/. 444 515, the 70% will be financed with our own contribution and the 30% with a loan by a financial institution. The time period of measurement was made for 5 years. The recovery period is given in 2 years and 2 months. This research concludes that the proyect is profitable, with a real Present Economic Net Value (VANE) of S/. 310 669 nuevos soles, and with a Present Financial Net Value (VANF) of S/. 299 614 nuevos soles, both positives amounts, in comparation with the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), the economic internal rate of return (TIRE) is 29,40 % and the financial internal rate of return (TIRF) is 32,01 % both rates are higher than the CPPC.
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