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Bardales, E., Caso, A. (2022). Gestión por procesos para la mejora continua en una empresa PYME de marketing digital B2B [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Bardales, E., Caso, A. Gestión por procesos para la mejora continua en una empresa PYME de marketing digital B2B [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Gestión por procesos para la mejora continua en una empresa PYME de marketing digital B2B",
author = "Caso Beltran, Aris Kiamlee",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: Gestión por procesos para la mejora continua en una empresa PYME de marketing digital B2B
Advisor(s): Florián Castillo, Odar Roberto
Keywords: Control de procesos; Control de gestión; Publicidad - fomatos digitales; Publicidad por internet; Marketing en internet; Procesos; Gestión por procesos; Mejora continua; Processes; Management by process; Continuous improvement
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 10-Oct-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia del modelo de gestión por procesos para la mejora continua de una Agencia de Marketing. Este estudio fue de tipo experimental; aplicando técnicas como entrevista, encuestas y observación validados a juicio de expertos, al gerente general, 8 colaboradores y 10 clientes. Los resultados de las dimensiones más significativos son: Calidad del Servicio en la escala siempre pasó de 20% a 60% incrementado 200%, Calidad del Proceso en la escala siempre pasó de 10% a 40% incrementando 300%, Calidad del Personal en la escala de siempre pasó de 20% a 40% incrementando un 100%. Las dimensiones menos significativas son: Satisfacción en el Proceso en la escala casi siempre pasó de 25% a 37% incrementando 48%, Necesidad de Cambio en la escala de nunca pasó de 50% a 62% incrementando 24%, Nivel de Responsabilidad en la escala de “Si” pasó de 87% a 100% incrementando un 14.9% y en Motivación en la escala de “Si” no hubo cambio y se mantuvo en 100%. Concluyendo que el modelo de gestión por procesos influye significativamente en la mejora continua, con un VAN de S/33,134.92, un TIR de 97% y un B/C de S/ 2.11.
The present investigation had as general objective to determine the influence of the process management model for the continuous improvement of a Marketing Agency. This study was experimental; applying techniques such as interviews, surveys and observation validated by experts, to the general manager, 8 employees and 10 clients. The results of the most significant dimensions are: Quality of service in the scale always went from 20% to 60% increased 200%, Process Quality in the scale always went from 10% to 40% increasing 300%, Quality of Personnel in the usual scale went from 20% to 40%, increasing by 100%. The least significant dimensions are: Satisfaction in the Process on the scale almost always went from 25% to 37% increasing 48%, Need for Change on the scale never went from 50% to 62% increasing 24%, Level of Responsibility in the “Yes” scale went from 87% to 100%, increasing by 14.9% and in Motivation the “Yes” scale did not change and remained at 100%. Concluding that the process management model significantly influences continuous improvement, with a VAN of S / 33,134.92, an TIR of 97% and a B/C of S / 2.11.
The present investigation had as general objective to determine the influence of the process management model for the continuous improvement of a Marketing Agency. This study was experimental; applying techniques such as interviews, surveys and observation validated by experts, to the general manager, 8 employees and 10 clients. The results of the most significant dimensions are: Quality of service in the scale always went from 20% to 60% increased 200%, Process Quality in the scale always went from 10% to 40% increasing 300%, Quality of Personnel in the usual scale went from 20% to 40%, increasing by 100%. The least significant dimensions are: Satisfaction in the Process on the scale almost always went from 25% to 37% increasing 48%, Need for Change on the scale never went from 50% to 62% increasing 24%, Level of Responsibility in the “Yes” scale went from 87% to 100%, increasing by 14.9% and in Motivation the “Yes” scale did not change and remained at 100%. Concluding that the process management model significantly influences continuous improvement, with a VAN of S / 33,134.92, an TIR of 97% and a B/C of S / 2.11.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Empresarial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero Empresarial
Juror: Boñón Silva, Cesia Elizabeth; Suarez Torres, Betty Lizby; Alfaro Rosas, Jorge Luis
Register date: 21-Nov-2022
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