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Ludeña, D., (2022). Impacto económico y financiero del COVID–19 en la empresa educativa Real College EIRL en los años 2019 - 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Ludeña, D., Impacto económico y financiero del COVID–19 en la empresa educativa Real College EIRL en los años 2019 - 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Impacto económico y financiero del COVID–19 en la empresa educativa Real College EIRL en los años 2019 - 2020",
author = "Ludeña Marin, Deyci Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: Impacto económico y financiero del COVID–19 en la empresa educativa Real College EIRL en los años 2019 - 2020
Authors(s): Ludeña Marin, Deyci Liliana
Advisor(s): Chuquiruna Chávez, Gilmer
Keywords: Análisis financiero; Impacto económico; Rentabilidad; COVID-19; Empresas educativas; Impact; Financial
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Nov-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar el Impacto Económico y
Financiero del COVID 19 en la Empresa Educativa Real College EIRL en los años 2019- 2020.
El estudio es descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal y corresponde a un diseño no
experimental. La población y muestra estuvo constituido por 14 colaboradores de la Empresa
Educativa, y la información se levantó con cuestionarios elaborados según los objetivos y
teniendo en consideración los antecedentes de la investigación. El aspecto económico y
financiero fueron evaluados según la data de la empresa del periodo 2019 y 2020. Los
resultados mostraron que la pandemia ocasionada por la COVID-19 influyó de manera negativa
(r=-0.759) y significativa (p-valor = 0.002) en el aspecto económico y financiero de la Empresa
Educativa Real College EIRL; además, los activos corrientes experimentaron el cambio más
significativo cerca del 49 %. Considerando los activos no corrientes, el cambio más
significativo fue del 91 %. Los cambios en los activos fueron producidos por las medidas que
el gobierno estableció como prevención contra el COVID-19, generando el cierre de
operaciones de la empresa, tales como el cierre de matrículas, retiro de estudiantes, inversiones
en equipos para brindar las clases de manera virtual, entre otros aspectos.
The objective of this research was to determine the Economic and Financial Impact of COVID 19 in the Educational Company Real College EIRL in the years 2019- 2020. The study is a descriptive correlational cross-sectional study and corresponds to a non-experimental design. The population and sample consisted of 14 employees of the company Educational Company, and the information was collected with questionnaires prepared according to the objectives and taking into consideration the background of the research. The economic and financial aspects were evaluated according to the company's data for the period 2019 and 2020. The results showed that the current pandemic caused by COVID-19 had a negative (r=-0.759) and significant (p-value = 0.002) influence on the economic and financial aspect of Educational Company Real College EIRL; moreover, the current assets experienced the most significant change of about 49%. Considering the non-current assets, the most significant change was 91 %. The changes in assets were produced by the measures that the government established as prevention against COVID-19, generating the closing of operations of the company such as the closing of enrollment, withdrawal of students, investments in equipment to provide virtual classes, among other aspects.
The objective of this research was to determine the Economic and Financial Impact of COVID 19 in the Educational Company Real College EIRL in the years 2019- 2020. The study is a descriptive correlational cross-sectional study and corresponds to a non-experimental design. The population and sample consisted of 14 employees of the company Educational Company, and the information was collected with questionnaires prepared according to the objectives and taking into consideration the background of the research. The economic and financial aspects were evaluated according to the company's data for the period 2019 and 2020. The results showed that the current pandemic caused by COVID-19 had a negative (r=-0.759) and significant (p-value = 0.002) influence on the economic and financial aspect of Educational Company Real College EIRL; moreover, the current assets experienced the most significant change of about 49%. Considering the non-current assets, the most significant change was 91 %. The changes in assets were produced by the measures that the government established as prevention against COVID-19, generating the closing of operations of the company such as the closing of enrollment, withdrawal of students, investments in equipment to provide virtual classes, among other aspects.
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Discipline: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Contador Público
Juror: Alcalde Martos, Mayra Yaqueline; Alfaro Vargas, Angel Martin; Oblitas Jaeger, Luis Eduardo
Register date: 28-Mar-2023
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