Bibliographic citations
Bellido, C., Ruiz, R. (2019). Aplicación de la inteligencia comercial en la importación de accesorios para bebés, empresa For pekes, periodo 2017-2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Bellido, C., Ruiz, R. Aplicación de la inteligencia comercial en la importación de accesorios para bebés, empresa For pekes, periodo 2017-2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Aplicación de la inteligencia comercial en la importación de accesorios para bebés, empresa For pekes, periodo 2017-2018",
author = "Ruiz Ramirez, Raquel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
ABSTRACT The present investigation has as purpose to demonstrate that the application of the commercial intelligence if it would determine the exploratory process in the import of accessories for babies, through the present study it was possible to have knowledge like the businesswoman, Mrs., Isabel Caldas managed to select the suppliers , models and prices with which it would enter the national market, in the same way it was taken knowledge of the offer of import of accessories for babies, the businesswoman realized that the tendency to sell innovative products is growing every day, so in her First importation by importing smaller quantities and commercializing it through its website and social networks in which it visualized that demand increased. In her second import, Ms. Isabel Caldas imported in larger quantities, for example the ergonomic backpack, managed to import 400 units for the year 2017 and 500 units for the year 2018. The entrepreneur applying commercial intelligence managed to define the approximate amount of import of accessories for babies, for later commercialization in the Peruvian market. KEYWORDS: Commercial intelligence, import, accessories.
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