Bibliographic citations
Avalos, K., Egusquiza, B. (2021). Las mipymes y la excesiva onerosidad en el arrendamiento de local comercial ante la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 en Comas, en el año 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Avalos, K., Egusquiza, B. Las mipymes y la excesiva onerosidad en el arrendamiento de local comercial ante la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 en Comas, en el año 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Las mipymes y la excesiva onerosidad en el arrendamiento de local comercial ante la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 en Comas, en el año 2020",
author = "Egusquiza Alarcon, Bella Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
This research is aimed at analyzing and investigating the excessive cost of commercial leases of Mypymes in the framework of the health emergency due to Covid-19. In this way, a series of articles related to the subject were compiled, which would allow a better-oriented analysis on the topic to be developed, thus using sources such as Scielo and Redalyc, and an analysis guide derived from surveys and interviews with specialists. As the state of emergency was declared in Peru, social isolation as part of it, prevented various businesses from continuing with their activities, among them and the most affected are the MyPymes, which is why the eviction, price increase, and cessation of commercial activities, have been a constant scenario for this economic sector. In this way, the work in question seeks to know in depth the situation of a representative group in the Comas district, and to evaluate with the help of specialists, the possible legal tools for them and the continuity of their undertakings.
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