Bibliographic citations
Paredes, Y., (2019). Análisis de los costos fijos y variables para determinar el punto de equilibrio y utilidad en la I.E.P. Isaac Newton E. I. R. L., Trujillo, 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Paredes, Y., Análisis de los costos fijos y variables para determinar el punto de equilibrio y utilidad en la I.E.P. Isaac Newton E. I. R. L., Trujillo, 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Análisis de los costos fijos y variables para determinar el punto de equilibrio y utilidad en la I.E.P. Isaac Newton E. I. R. L., Trujillo, 2017",
author = "Paredes Gomez, Yeni Margarita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
The purpose of this research work is to analyze in detail the costs and fixed costs and the variable costs incurred by the educational institution, to determine the point of balance and the utility of the particular educational institution Isaac Newton EIRL in the year 2017. Likewise, it allows to know the distribution of costs and fixed expenses and variable costs in which it incurred. It was also possible to determine the equilibrium point, this being 68 students where the company covered its costs and expenses to not win or lose, however, at the time of the analysis was found that the educational institution had 75 students enrolled at the institutional level in 2017 having a real profit of S/ 18,541.06. Likewise, during the development of the research, the distribution between cost and expense was achieved, in order to provide numerical data that allowed to establish the point of equilibrium of the company and in this way they can make decisions.
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