Bibliographic citations
Fano, A., Nakasone, S. (2021). Efecto de la restricción no arancelaria uso de pesticidas en las exportaciones de quinua peruana a Estados Unidos en el 2018 y 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Fano, A., Nakasone, S. Efecto de la restricción no arancelaria uso de pesticidas en las exportaciones de quinua peruana a Estados Unidos en el 2018 y 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Efecto de la restricción no arancelaria uso de pesticidas en las exportaciones de quinua peruana a Estados Unidos en el 2018 y 2019",
author = "Nakasone Nakayo, Samantha Michiko",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
This research proposes to know the effect of the non-tariff restriction on the use of pesticides on quinoa exports from Peru to the United States. In the last two years, the U.S FDA rejected Peruvian quinoa exports due to various non-compliances, one of these is for containing chemical traces of pesticides in shipments. Chapter I presents the problematic reality of this research, presenting background and basic theoretical concepts of variables “non-tariff restriction on pesticide use” and “export”. In addition, the justification and realization of the formulation of the problem is established, which consists of: determining the effect of the non-tariff restriction on the use of pesticides on quinoa exports from Peru to the United States in 2018 and 2019, establishing the objectives to guide the research and formulation of the hypothesis, as a possible solution to the research problem. Chapter II determines the methodological design of research, population, and study sample, also the data collection and analysis techniques and instruments, as well as the procedure that was performed in the investigation. Chapter III contains the analysis and interpretation of the results of each of the objectives described in this investigation. In Chapter IV we validate the hypothesis through the discussion of the results obtained based on data collection techniques. In the last part of the research contains the annexes where you can find the matrix of consistency and references used. Finally, the investigation concludes that 3 of 10 quinoa exporting companies from Peru to the United States between 2018 and 2019 had export rejections by the FDA over the use of pesticides, which takes into action the detention without physical review (DWPE) of the product that would be violating the standard. To check the degree of relationship between the non-tariff restriction on pesticide use and Peruvian exports in this time period Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient was used, giving us as results that have a low negative correlation (-0.234) and a determination coefficient of 0.555, giving 6% that come to be exports that due to the non-tariff restriction use of pesticides were rejected.
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