Bibliographic citations
Falcon, L., (2021). Características de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en el adolescente agresor sexual de un centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación de Lima, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Falcon, L., Características de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en el adolescente agresor sexual de un centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación de Lima, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Características de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en el adolescente agresor sexual de un centro juvenil de diagnóstico y rehabilitación de Lima, 2020",
author = "Falcon Matos, Lucero Selene",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The aim of this study is to identify the personality characteristics and clinical syndromes of adolescent offenders in a Juvenile Rehabilitation Center in Lima, 2020. The research is based on a descriptive quantitative design. This research was carried out on 50 adolescents who committed the crime or misdemeanor of sexual aggression, and the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (M.A.C.I) was used to collect data. The results showed that the characteristics with the highest incidence within the personality prototypes were the submissive, histrionic, egocentric, rebellious, rude, conformist and introverted scales; within expressed concerns, the scales discomfort with sex, insecurity with peers, social insecurity, family discordance, childhood abuse and identity diffusion were obtained; within clinical syndromes, the scales inclination to substance abuse, predisposition to delinquency, propensity to impulsivity and feeling of anxiety were obtained. In conclusion, the researches found have a certain similarity to the results found in the present study, due to the fact that in this study a greater number of characteristics of the adolescent sexual aggressor were found.
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