Bibliographic citations
Soraluz, K., (2020). Criterios de confort acústico para el diseño del nuevo Conservatorio Regional de Música del Norte Público Carlos Valderrama en Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Soraluz, K., Criterios de confort acústico para el diseño del nuevo Conservatorio Regional de Música del Norte Público Carlos Valderrama en Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Criterios de confort acústico para el diseño del nuevo Conservatorio Regional de Música del Norte Público Carlos Valderrama en Trujillo",
author = "Soraluz Vásquez, Kevin Eduardo Omar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The Public Music Conservatory of the Northern Region in Trujillo city “Carlos Valderrama” shows physical constraints in its maintenance, its size, and its infrastructure, designed without respecting architectural parameters and requirements where the users found difficulties and complications regarding space, functionality and acoustics. Therefore, it is essential that the conservatory owns a new building designed with the proper facilities and appropriate acoustic quality. The aim of this thesis is to determine in what way the criteria of the acoustic quality contributes to the design of the new conservatory in Trujillo city. To achieve this, the architectural parameters were established through a case analysis considering location, nature, purpose, and area of the building. Then, the conservatory principal was approached regarding the proposed modernization plan. Furthermore, in deciding the choice of land, a weighting matrix was utilized by taking into consideration studies, norms and floor area among other aspects. The current research and the relevance with the research variable were compared, thus concluding the design guidelines. The planned modernization was proposed considering the sizing and the magnitude to offer adequate space to 1600 applicants in a period of 30 years. The production of the architectural programming and the specific land choice promoted the leading idea and application of the research variable into the architectural project. In conclusion, the design of the new music conservatory utilized strategies of acoustic design, acoustic isolation, and acoustic conditioning that provides the required installations to enable suitable conditions for music studies.
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