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Title: Gestión de recursos humanos en los trabajadores administrativos de los organismos de justicia, Lima, 2018
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.02.04
Issue Date: 2019
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la gestión de recursos humanos de los trabajadores administrativo en los organismos de justicia, Lima, 2018. El estudio se enmarca bajo el paradigma cuantitativo, la metodología se suscribe a una investigación de campo, no experimental, de tipo descriptivo. La población la conforman 2000 trabajadores administrativos de los organismos de justicia de Lima, y el cálculo de muestra para población finita dio como resultado 322 sujetos de muestra. Los datos se recolectaron mediante la técnica de la Encuesta, utilizando el cuestionario como instrumento contentivo de 15 ítems de preguntas cerradas, de selección simple con alternativas de respuestas: siempre, casi siempre, a veces, casi nunca, nunca. Para el análisis de datos, se aplicó la estadística descriptiva mediante la presentación de tablas y figuras a través del análisis estadístico de frecuencia y porcentaje por ítems. Los resultados arrojaron que el 48% sienten que laboran en malas condiciones de trabajo, el 71% consideran que no trabajan en un buen clima laboral y el 45% indican que tienen que asumir las responsabilidades laborales de otras personas. Se concluyó que la gestión de recursos humanos de los trabajadores administrativo en los organismos de justicia en Lima, 2018, es llevada de manera inadecuada, lo cual afecta el clima laboral y con ello el logro de los objetivos institucionales.

The objective of this study is to determine the management of human resources of administrative workers in the justice agencies in Lima, in 2018. The study is framed under the quantitative paradigm, the methodology is subscribed to a field investigation, not experimental, of descriptive type. The population is made up of 332 administrative workers in the Justice Bodies of Lima, and the sample calculation for a finite population resulted in 195 sample subjects. The data will be collected using the survey technique, using the questionnaire as a 15-item closed-ended questionnaire, with simple selection and alternative answers: always, almost always, sometimes, almost never, never. The validity was verified by expert judgment. For the data analysis, descriptive statistics were applied by presenting tables and figures through the statistical analysis of frequency and percentage by items. The results showed that working conditions, the working environment is always good, there is a considerable percentage of the staff that in their opinions reveal the opposite, considering that they do not have a working tool to accomplish the tasks efficiently, a prevailing closed communication, a staff with little receptivity without a sense of belonging. Also, it was revealed that more than half of the staff have to take on the work of other people who are irresponsibly not fulfilling their duties, which is often because they do not have the equipment and means of work to respond quickly and efficiently, worsening the quality of service to the user. It was concluded that the management of human resources of administrative workers in the justice agencies in Lima, in the year 2018, is carried out in an inadequate manner, which affects the work environment and with it the achievement of institutional objectives.
Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Register date: 7-May-2019

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