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Ocola, M., (2008). El control interno y su impacto en el logro de los objetivos del centro educativo “El Divino Maestro” de Laredo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Ocola, M., El control interno y su impacto en el logro de los objetivos del centro educativo “El Divino Maestro” de Laredo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2008.
title = "El control interno y su impacto en el logro de los objetivos del centro educativo “El Divino Maestro” de Laredo",
author = "Ocola Gadea, Marilyn Eveling",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2008"
Title: El control interno y su impacto en el logro de los objetivos del centro educativo “El Divino Maestro” de Laredo
Authors(s): Ocola Gadea, Marilyn Eveling
Advisor(s): Becerra Orrego, Gloria
Keywords: Contabilidad; Control interno; Procedimientos operativos; Política y estrategia empresarial
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2008
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: RESUMEN
El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene como propósito fundamental demostrar que la aplicación de un sistema de control interno adecuado, en el proceso interno de un centro educativo, constituye un instrumento eficaz para la mejora en la toma de decisiones.
El desarrollo de la investigación dará a conocer en que medida las empresas dedicadas a este rubro son eficientes, eficaces y económicas y gracias a la medición de sus políticas, normas, funciones, procedimientos, lograremos detectar debilidades en la gestión.
La importancia del estudio radica en la medición a corto plazo de la aplicación de medidas que serán implementadas para asegurar la confiabilidad y efectividad de la gestión que favorezca alcanzar las metas esperadas por el centro educativo, y por ende se reflejarán los resultados de la empresa.
Así mismo es importante mencionar, que siendo la aplicación del Control Interno adecuado el eje para determinar la solidez de los procedimientos operativos, considero que tiene un riesgo medio de control, que será fortalecido en la medida que se vayan mejorando los controles operativos e integrando políticas y procedimientos que permitan dar un resultado eficaz y efectivo en la operatividad de la empresa.
ABSTRACT The present research work primary’s purpose its to demonstrate that the implementation of an adequate internal control system in the internal process of an educational centre is an effective tool fir improving decision making. The development of research will be available in the extent that the companies engaged I this line are efficient , effective thanks to the measurements of its policies standards, functions and procedures we can identify weaknesses in management. The important of the research is the measurement of short-term measures to be implemented to ensure realibility and effectiveness in management that conduce to achieving the goals expected by the educational center. Also its important t mention that being the implementation of an adequate internal controls must be the axis to determine the robustness of the operating procedures, tha has a medium risk control, this will be strengthened as they are further improved operational controls and integrating policies and procedures wich could result in the efficient and effective operation company.
ABSTRACT The present research work primary’s purpose its to demonstrate that the implementation of an adequate internal control system in the internal process of an educational centre is an effective tool fir improving decision making. The development of research will be available in the extent that the companies engaged I this line are efficient , effective thanks to the measurements of its policies standards, functions and procedures we can identify weaknesses in management. The important of the research is the measurement of short-term measures to be implemented to ensure realibility and effectiveness in management that conduce to achieving the goals expected by the educational center. Also its important t mention that being the implementation of an adequate internal controls must be the axis to determine the robustness of the operating procedures, tha has a medium risk control, this will be strengthened as they are further improved operational controls and integrating policies and procedures wich could result in the efficient and effective operation company.
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Discipline: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Contador Público
Register date: 26-Aug-2013
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