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Vargas, E., (2021). La metodología Six Sigma y el nivel de productividad en una empresa de comida rápida, Cajamarca 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vargas, E., La metodología Six Sigma y el nivel de productividad en una empresa de comida rápida, Cajamarca 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "La metodología Six Sigma y el nivel de productividad en una empresa de comida rápida, Cajamarca 2020",
author = "Vargas Marin, Estefani Victoria",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
Title: La metodología Six Sigma y el nivel de productividad en una empresa de comida rápida, Cajamarca 2020
Authors(s): Vargas Marin, Estefani Victoria
Advisor(s): La Rosa González Otoya, Ana Teresa
Keywords: Productividad; Gestión de la calidad; Restaurantes de comida rápida; Seis Sigma (Norma de control de calidad)
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 29-Nov-2021
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El objetivo es mejorar la productividad de la empresa, se midió el nivel de sigma del
proceso y gráficos de control, se analizaron las causas raíces, se mejoró cada causa y
finalmente se controlaron dichas mejoras con registros e indicadores.
Se logró mejorar el nivel de productividad al aplicar la metodología Six Sigma, antes
de la propuesta el DPMO fue de 344353.865 con un nivel de sigma de 1.9006, desde el mes
de octubre hasta febrero el DPMO es de 163512.768 con un aumento de sigma a 2.4797.
Se midió el proceso de merma a través gráficos desechos en el sistema SAP, la merma
desde octubre del 2020 hasta febrero del 2021 era de S/. 22236.5 que equivale a un 34.44% en
merma y un nivel de Sigma de 1.9006. En la etapa del análisis se determinaron las principales
causas del problema las cuales eran: poca supervisión, falta de mantenimientos,
desconocimiento en procesos de producción, rotación inadecuada. Después de plantear la
mejora el dinero por el desecho de productos disminuyo a S/. 6097.45 soles que equivale a un
95% esto nos da un nivel de sigma de 2.4797
Se elaboraron propuestas de mejora utilizando herramientas de ingeniería para las
principales causas del problema: implementación de check list con respecto al producto,
utilizar la metodología Kanban para identificar correctamente la materia prima, cuadros de
mantenimiento, redistribución del almacén con un nuevo Layout y la utilización del método
ABC para el sistema de almacenaje, charla de motivación al personal, Secuencia adecuada de
procesos, fichas de perfil de puesto. Se realizó la evaluación económica financiera de la
aplicación de la metodología Six Sigma, a través de la cual se obtuvo un beneficio costo de
The objective is to improve the company's productivity, the sigma level of the process and control charts were measured, root causes were analyzed, each cause was improved and finally these improvements were controlled with records and indicators. Before the proposal the DPMO was 344353.865 with a sigma level of 1.9006, from October to February the DPMO is 163512.768 with an increase of sigma to 2.4797. The shrinkage process was measured through waste graphs in the SAP system, the shrinkage from October 2020 to February 2021 was S/. 22236.5 which is equivalent to 34.44% in shrinkage and a Sigma level of 1.9006. During the analysis stage, the main causes of the problem were determined, which were: poor supervision, lack of maintenance, lack of knowledge of production processes, and inadequate rotation. After proposing the improvement, the money for product waste decreased to S/. 6097.45 soles, which is equivalent to 95%, giving us a sigma level of 2.4797. Improvement proposals were developed using engineering tools for the main causes of the problem: implementation of a product checklist, use of the Kanban methodology to correctly identify raw materials, maintenance charts, redistribution of the warehouse with a new layout and use of the ABC method for the storage system, motivational talks to personnel, proper sequence of processes, and job profile sheets. The economic and financial evaluation of the application of the Six Sigma methodology was carried out, and a cost benefit of 3.34% was obtained.
The objective is to improve the company's productivity, the sigma level of the process and control charts were measured, root causes were analyzed, each cause was improved and finally these improvements were controlled with records and indicators. Before the proposal the DPMO was 344353.865 with a sigma level of 1.9006, from October to February the DPMO is 163512.768 with an increase of sigma to 2.4797. The shrinkage process was measured through waste graphs in the SAP system, the shrinkage from October 2020 to February 2021 was S/. 22236.5 which is equivalent to 34.44% in shrinkage and a Sigma level of 1.9006. During the analysis stage, the main causes of the problem were determined, which were: poor supervision, lack of maintenance, lack of knowledge of production processes, and inadequate rotation. After proposing the improvement, the money for product waste decreased to S/. 6097.45 soles, which is equivalent to 95%, giving us a sigma level of 2.4797. Improvement proposals were developed using engineering tools for the main causes of the problem: implementation of a product checklist, use of the Kanban methodology to correctly identify raw materials, maintenance charts, redistribution of the warehouse with a new layout and use of the ABC method for the storage system, motivational talks to personnel, proper sequence of processes, and job profile sheets. The economic and financial evaluation of the application of the Six Sigma methodology was carried out, and a cost benefit of 3.34% was obtained.
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Discipline: Maestría en Dirección de Operaciones y Cadena de Abastecimiento
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Dirección de Operaciones y Cadena de Abastecimiento
Juror: Llaque Quiroz, Juan Carlos; Santivañez De Osambela, Miguel Angel; Saavedra Ulloa, Ivan Leo
Register date: 11-Feb-2022
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