Bibliographic citations
Mestanza, J., (2011). Propuesta de diseño de un sistema de fibra óptica OPGW para la conectividad de red y disminución de costos entre las plantas eléctricas pampa larga y sectionalizing en minera Yanacocha [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Mestanza, J., Propuesta de diseño de un sistema de fibra óptica OPGW para la conectividad de red y disminución de costos entre las plantas eléctricas pampa larga y sectionalizing en minera Yanacocha [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2011.
title = "Propuesta de diseño de un sistema de fibra óptica OPGW para la conectividad de red y disminución de costos entre las plantas eléctricas pampa larga y sectionalizing en minera Yanacocha",
author = "Mestanza Mendoza, José Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2011"
This project aims to design an OPGW fiber optic system in order to reduce infrastructure costs and get network connectivity speed between plants and Sectionalizing Pampa Larga in Minera Yanacocha, which is an application of TOP DOWN methodology. In the CAP. I RESEARCH PLAN; shows the problematic reality of Minera Yanacocha to the object of study. Formula a problem situation in order to find the same solution and determine the strategic objectives to enable the proposed solution. In the CAP. II THEORETICAL, places the problem under study within a set of robust and reliable knowledge to help guide the search and offer an adequate conceptualization of the terms will be used. In the CAP. METHODOLOGY III; The system is designed with the Top Down approach. In designing the project uses different techniques and models to represent the existing system, the new requirements and structure for the new Part focuses on understanding the flow of data types and processes to access or change data. In the CAP. DEVELOPMENT IV, item is the application of existing methodology. In the CAP. V. and CAP. VI Conclusions and recommendations about showing the results of the study and recommendations for the continuity of the project.
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