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Römer, J., (2019). Gestión de stocks en una distribuidora de productos masivos de la ciudad de Trujillo en el periodo 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Römer, J., Gestión de stocks en una distribuidora de productos masivos de la ciudad de Trujillo en el periodo 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Gestión de stocks en una distribuidora de productos masivos de la ciudad de Trujillo en el periodo 2019",
author = "Römer Vigo, Joselyn Estefany",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
Title: Gestión de stocks en una distribuidora de productos masivos de la ciudad de Trujillo en el periodo 2019
Authors(s): Römer Vigo, Joselyn Estefany
Advisor(s): Alegría Ferreyros, Luis Fernando
Keywords: Almacenamiento; Distribución física; Control de inventarios
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 23-Jul-2019
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: RESUMEN
La presente tesis es un trabajo de investigación que tuvo como objetivo determinar el
nivel de conocimiento de los trabajadores en la gestión de stocks en una distribuidora
de productos masivos de la ciudad de Trujillo en el periodo 2019. Para generar una
propuesta de mejora que le permita sostener y potenciar sus ventajas competitivas.
La gestión de stocks vigente no utiliza un método estructurado para el control de estos,
esta se basa en la experiencia administrativa de los supervisores ocasionado retrasos
en la atención de los pedidos, quiebres de stock que no permiten satisfacer la
demanda y en algunos productos sobre stock por no llevar un adecuado control de
todo lo que se tiene.
Se realizó una entrevista al jefe de almacén para poder conocer los procedimientos,
las virtudes y falencias de la empresa. Además, se realizó una encuesta que se aplicó
a todos los trabajadores del área para saber si conocen acerca de la composición de
stocks, verificación de existencias, modelos de gestión de stocks y fases de
aprovisionamiento. Con la información obtenida se determinó que la mayoría de las
personas no conocen acerca de la composición de stocks.
Dentro de las propuestas de mejora que se plantea para mejorar la composición de la
gestión de stocks se realizó un formato Kardex que permite llevar un control adecuado
de todo lo que entra y sale del almacén. Además, se realizó la clasificación económica
de los productos combinando ciertos criterios como: la clasificación ABC, relevancia y
frecuencia de consumo de los productos a fin de cumplir con el abastecimiento. Luego,
se determinó el stock de seguridad necesario para satisfacer a los clientes en los
periodos de mayor demanda. También se propone un procedimiento adecuado para la
preparación de picking que permita llevar un control y manejo de los pasos a seguir
para optimizar los tiempos de armado. Por último, se propone capacitaciones a los
trabajadores del área de almacén. Con la implementación de las propuestas se
lograría reducir la merma y se recuperaría la inversión en el primer mes.
ABSTRACT This thesis is a research work that aims to determine the level of knowledge of workers in the management of stocks in a distributor of massive products in the city of Trujillo in the period 2019. To generate a proposal for improvement that allows you to sustain and enhance its benefits competitive. The current stock management does not use a structured method for controlling them, this is based on the administrative experience of the supervisors caused delays in the attention of the orders, stock breaks that do not allow to satisfy the demand and in some products on stock for not having an adequate control of everything you have. An interview was conducted with the warehouse manager to learn about the procedures, virtues and shortcomings of the company. In addition, an inquiry was used that was applied to all workers in the area to know if they know about the composition of stocks, inventory verification, stock management models and supply phases. With the information obtained it was determined that most people do not know about the composition of stocks. Within the improvement proposals that are proposed to improve the composition of stock management, a Kardex format was made that allows for an adequate control of everything that enters and leaves the warehouse. In addition, the economic classification of the products was carried out, combining certain criteries such as: the ABC classification, relevance and frequency of consumption of the products in order to comply with the supply. The necessary safety stock was also determined to satisfy customers in the periods of greatest demand. Finally, an appropriate procedure is proposed for the preparation of picking that allows to take control and management of the steps to follow to optimize assembly times. With the implementation of the proposals, the waste would be reduced an the investment recovered in the first month.
ABSTRACT This thesis is a research work that aims to determine the level of knowledge of workers in the management of stocks in a distributor of massive products in the city of Trujillo in the period 2019. To generate a proposal for improvement that allows you to sustain and enhance its benefits competitive. The current stock management does not use a structured method for controlling them, this is based on the administrative experience of the supervisors caused delays in the attention of the orders, stock breaks that do not allow to satisfy the demand and in some products on stock for not having an adequate control of everything you have. An interview was conducted with the warehouse manager to learn about the procedures, virtues and shortcomings of the company. In addition, an inquiry was used that was applied to all workers in the area to know if they know about the composition of stocks, inventory verification, stock management models and supply phases. With the information obtained it was determined that most people do not know about the composition of stocks. Within the improvement proposals that are proposed to improve the composition of stock management, a Kardex format was made that allows for an adequate control of everything that enters and leaves the warehouse. In addition, the economic classification of the products was carried out, combining certain criteries such as: the ABC classification, relevance and frequency of consumption of the products in order to comply with the supply. The necessary safety stock was also determined to satisfy customers in the periods of greatest demand. Finally, an appropriate procedure is proposed for the preparation of picking that allows to take control and management of the steps to follow to optimize assembly times. With the implementation of the proposals, the waste would be reduced an the investment recovered in the first month.
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Discipline: Maestría en Dirección de Operaciones y Cadena de Abastecimiento
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Dirección de Operaciones y Cadena de Abastecimiento
Register date: 22-Oct-2019
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