Bibliographic citations
Guzman, R., Quiñones, C. (2021). Relación entre la calidad de servicio y la fidelización de los clientes de una empresa privada en la ciudad de Trujillo 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Guzman, R., Quiñones, C. Relación entre la calidad de servicio y la fidelización de los clientes de una empresa privada en la ciudad de Trujillo 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Relación entre la calidad de servicio y la fidelización de los clientes de una empresa privada en la ciudad de Trujillo 2020",
author = "Quiñones Trujillo, Carlos Leonardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
Due to the exponential increase in competition, organizations are today forced to look for ways to create additional value for their product or service. When the product or service reaches a certain limit of technological development, the aggregates that Commercial Management and Marketing provide can be the answers. Within this diverse group of strategies, there is an effort to increase the quality of service in order to retain customers. That is why the present investigation, of a non-experimental and correlational type, seeks to determine the relationship between the Quality of Service and the Loyalty of the Clients of the company Conforflex SAC in the city of Trujillo 2020. The investigation begins with the exposition of the problematic reality facing the company and the sector. The essential theoretical aspects of the two variables under study are described below: Quality of Service and Customer Loyalty. Finally, the results obtained after the application of the research instrument are presented, developing the discussion and conclusions of the study. At the end of this research, it was determined, by means of the Spearman correlation, that, for the specific case of this study, there is a moderate positive correlation between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty, since the Rho value obtained was 0.505. For all the aforementioned, the research hypothesis that affirms that there is a positive-moderate relationship between the Quality of Service and the Customer Loyalty of the company Conforflex SAC in the city of Trujillo 2020 is accepted.
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