Bibliographic citations
Palomino, K., (2020). Nivel de conocimiento de madres de niños menores de 5 años sobre inmunizaciones en la I. E. I. Condevilla Señor II, Lima – 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Palomino, K., Nivel de conocimiento de madres de niños menores de 5 años sobre inmunizaciones en la I. E. I. Condevilla Señor II, Lima – 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Nivel de conocimiento de madres de niños menores de 5 años sobre inmunizaciones en la I. E. I. Condevilla Señor II, Lima – 2019",
author = "Palomino Quiliche, Keiko Silvana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
This research work aims to determine the level of knowledge of mothers of children under 5 years of age about immunizations in the I.E.I. Condevilla Señor II - 2019. Method: The present research is quantitative and descriptive since it seeks to describe the level of knowledge of mothers under 5 years of age about immunizations and the calendar of vaccinations. On the other hand, this research work is of cross-sectional design since data collection was carried out at a unique time. Population and sample: The population consisted of 450 mothers of children under 5 years old belonging to the I.E.I "Condevilla II" - 2019; from which 124 mothers were chosen, as a simple randomized probability sample. Instrument: The survey technique was applied, and the instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 13 questions according to dimensions of general knowledge, post-vaccine care, vaccination schedule and contraindications - post-vaccine adverse effects. The data were processed with the Excel 2013 and SPSS Stadistics software to determine the statistical values. Results: The results show that 59% of mothers belong to the intermediate knowledge level, 34% to the high knowledge level and 7% to the low knowledge level. With respect to the dimension of general knowledge about vaccines, 47% presented a high and intermediate level of knowledge; with respect to the dimension of post-vaccine care, 45% presented a high level of knowledge; with respect to the dimension of vaccine schedule, 49% presented an intermediate level of knowledge and with respect to the dimension of contraindications - post-vaccine effects, it was found that 59% presented an intermediate level of knowledge. Therefore, it can be concluded that the more knowledge a mother has, the more reason she must vaccinate her child.
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