Bibliographic citations
Chávarry, H., (2016). Análisis de los atributos determinantes para la aceptación de un retail especializado en alimentación saludable en la ciudad de Trujillo, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Chávarry, H., Análisis de los atributos determinantes para la aceptación de un retail especializado en alimentación saludable en la ciudad de Trujillo, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Análisis de los atributos determinantes para la aceptación de un retail especializado en alimentación saludable en la ciudad de Trujillo, 2016",
author = "Chávarry Chávez, Humberto Estuardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to identify how the determinants attributes can improve the acceptance of a retail project specializing in healthy eating in the city of Trujillo, Peru. It was defined as target, the citizens residents in the districts of Trujillo and Victor Larco that belong to AB and C1 socioeconomic levels, aged between 23 and 50 years old; and life styles of sophisticated, modern, progressive and adapted. The research was developed through a quantitative method, using a comprehensive questionnaire that includes not only study variables, but relevant information as habits, preferences, interests and routine activities lifestyle of consumers in the local market. Among the most important results that were found in the investigation, we have that the service attributes most valued and expected, when buying food in a retail store, are the product mix, product quality, customer service and cleanliness local. Finally, it was identified that the business idea proposal, has an optimal acceptance level in the target audience because of its compatibility with the concept of retail, the index of purchase intent and the level of influence that has the supply of attributes of service.
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