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Bedon, S., Gomez, E. (2022). Mermas y desmedros en la empresa Mayorsa S. A. - Área de alimentos, Lima 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Bedon, S., Gomez, E. Mermas y desmedros en la empresa Mayorsa S. A. - Área de alimentos, Lima 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Mermas y desmedros en la empresa Mayorsa S. A. - Área de alimentos, Lima 2019",
author = "Gomez Ayala, Edith",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Title: Mermas y desmedros en la empresa Mayorsa S. A. - Área de alimentos, Lima 2019
Authors(s): Bedon Quispe, Susan Janina; Gomez Ayala, Edith
Advisor(s): De la Piedra Yépez, Dennis Yohannes
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar las mermas y desmedros
en la empresa Mayorsa S.A. en el periodo 2019, para lo cual se tuvo como soporte la recopilación
de diversas revistas empresariales, libros y páginas web que abordaron acerca de la variable:
Mermas y desmedros.
El tipo de investigación es descriptiva, el diseño de la investigación es transaccional, con
una población de 24 tiendas con 300 trabajadores, la muestra está compuesta por 68 personas del
área de alimentos y 3 jefes del área contable y costos. La técnica que se uso es la encuesta, entrevista
y análisis documental, el cuestionario fue aplicado al área de alimentos de la empresa Mayorsa
S.A. Para la validez de los instrumentos se utilizó el criterio de juicio de expertos y además está
respaldado por el uso de Alfa de Cronbach.
Se concluye que a través de los resultados realizados las mermas y desmedros originados
en el área de alimentos de la empresa Mayorsa; tienen un impacto relevante; es por eso que deben
ser acreditados ante SUNAT y dar un correcto tratamiento tributario para que sean deducibles de
esta manera reflejar la verdadera situación económica de la empresa.
The purpose of this research work is to identify the losses and losses in the company Mayorsa S.A. in the 2019 period, for which the compilation of various business magazines, books and web pages that addressed the variable: Losses and losses was used as support. The type of research is descriptive, the research design is transactional, with a population of 24 stores with 300 workers, the sample is made up of 68 people from the food area and 3 heads of the accounting and cost area. The technique used is the survey, interview and documentary analysis, the questionnaire was applied to the food area of the company Mayorsa S.A. For the validity of the instruments, the expert judgment criterion was used and it is also supported by the use of Cronbach's Alpha. It is concluded that through the results of the losses and losses originated in the food area of the Mayorsa company; they have a relevant impact; that is why they must be accredited before SUNAT and give a correct tax treatment so that they are deductible in this way reflect the true economic situation of the company.
The purpose of this research work is to identify the losses and losses in the company Mayorsa S.A. in the 2019 period, for which the compilation of various business magazines, books and web pages that addressed the variable: Losses and losses was used as support. The type of research is descriptive, the research design is transactional, with a population of 24 stores with 300 workers, the sample is made up of 68 people from the food area and 3 heads of the accounting and cost area. The technique used is the survey, interview and documentary analysis, the questionnaire was applied to the food area of the company Mayorsa S.A. For the validity of the instruments, the expert judgment criterion was used and it is also supported by the use of Cronbach's Alpha. It is concluded that through the results of the losses and losses originated in the food area of the Mayorsa company; they have a relevant impact; that is why they must be accredited before SUNAT and give a correct tax treatment so that they are deductible in this way reflect the true economic situation of the company.
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Discipline: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Contador Público
Juror: Tufiño Blas, Emma Gladis; Barreno Flores, Ricardo Jesús; Saenz Arenas, Esther Rosa
Register date: 27-Jul-2022
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