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Nuñez, A., Odar, Z. (2023). Sistema web para la gestión de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús del Norte, Los Olivos 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Nuñez, A., Odar, Z. Sistema web para la gestión de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús del Norte, Los Olivos 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Sistema web para la gestión de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús del Norte, Los Olivos 2021",
author = "Odar Pilco, Zaida Mirella",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Title: Sistema web para la gestión de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús del Norte, Los Olivos 2021
Authors(s): Nuñez Canchari, Anthony Eduardo; Odar Pilco, Zaida Mirella
Advisor(s): Díaz Sánchez, Carlos Federico
Keywords: Incidencia; Aplicaciones web; Clínicas; Incidence; Web system; Management
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: La presente investigación ha sido ejecutada durante el año 2021, en la cual explica la construcción e implantación de un Sistema Web cuya finalidad fue determinar de qué manera un Sistema Web influye en la gestión de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús del Norte (CJN), debido a deficiencias en el control de la información previo al desarrollo del software, que incluían el uso de cuadernillos y elementos susceptibles a la corrupción y pérdida de datos. Por tal razón, se abordan aspectos teóricos relacionados con el registro de la gestión de incidencias de manera preliminar. Además, se optó por utilizar el marco de trabajo Agile Scrum durante el proceso de desarrollo del producto final debido a su capacidad de adaptación a los requisitos y etapas necesarios en la construcción del Software; a su vez el lenguaje de desarrollo PHP versión 8.0 fue empleado y como almacenamiento de datos se utilizó Heidi SQL. Se empleó un diseño experimental de clasificación preexperimental en la elaboración, con un enfoque metodológico de investigación aplicada, de nivel explicativo y de naturaleza cuantitativa. En adición a lo anterior, los instrumentos de medición que se usó para la toma de los datos fue un Cuestionario y una Ficha de Observación, las cuales pasaron por expertos para su validación correspondiente, la muestra capturada es la totalidad de la población llamada también muestra inopinada en la cual estuvo constituido por un total de 10 personas. Durante el desarrollo de los resultados, se empleó el aplicativo SPSS para el análisis estadístico, obteniendo resultados favorables con relación a la problemática de la clínica. Por último, basándonos en todo lo expuesto en este trabajo de investigación, se puede afirmar que la incorporación del Sistema Web tiene un impacto significativo en el control de incidencias en la Clínica Jesús Del Norte.
This research has been carried out during the year 2021, which explains the construction and implementation of a Web System whose purpose was to determine how a Web System influences the management of incidents in the Clínica Jesús del Norte (CJN), due to deficiencies in the control of information prior to the development of the software, which included the use of booklets and elements susceptible to corruption and loss of data. For this reason, theoretical aspects related to the recording of incident management are addressed in a preliminary manner. In addition, it was chosen to use the Agile Scrum framework during the development process of the final product due to its ability to adapt to the requirements and stages necessary in the construction of the software; in turn, the PHP development language version 8.0 was used and Heidi SQL was used as data storage. An experimental design of pre-experimental classification was used in the elaboration, with a methodological approach of applied research, of explanatory level and quantitative nature. In addition to the above, the measurement instruments used for data collection were a Questionnaire and an Observation Form, which were reviewed by experts for their corresponding validation; the sample collected was the entire population, also called the unpopulated sample, which consisted of a total of 10 people. During the development of the results, the SPSS application was used for statistical analysis, obtaining favorable results in relation to the clinic's problems. Finally, based on all that has been exposed in this research work, it can be affirmed that the incorporation of the Web System has a significant impact on the control of incidents in the Jesús Del Norte Clinic.
This research has been carried out during the year 2021, which explains the construction and implementation of a Web System whose purpose was to determine how a Web System influences the management of incidents in the Clínica Jesús del Norte (CJN), due to deficiencies in the control of information prior to the development of the software, which included the use of booklets and elements susceptible to corruption and loss of data. For this reason, theoretical aspects related to the recording of incident management are addressed in a preliminary manner. In addition, it was chosen to use the Agile Scrum framework during the development process of the final product due to its ability to adapt to the requirements and stages necessary in the construction of the software; in turn, the PHP development language version 8.0 was used and Heidi SQL was used as data storage. An experimental design of pre-experimental classification was used in the elaboration, with a methodological approach of applied research, of explanatory level and quantitative nature. In addition to the above, the measurement instruments used for data collection were a Questionnaire and an Observation Form, which were reviewed by experts for their corresponding validation; the sample collected was the entire population, also called the unpopulated sample, which consisted of a total of 10 people. During the development of the results, the SPSS application was used for statistical analysis, obtaining favorable results in relation to the clinic's problems. Finally, based on all that has been exposed in this research work, it can be affirmed that the incorporation of the Web System has a significant impact on the control of incidents in the Jesús Del Norte Clinic.
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Discipline: Ingeniería de Sistemas Computacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero de Sistemas Computacionales
Juror: Morales Quispe, Enrique Arturo; Gómez Ávila, José Alberto; Torres Vargas, Deivhy Paúl
Register date: 10-Aug-2023
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