Bibliographic citations
Cruz, M., Portilla, I. (2020). Identificación de oportunidad comercial para la exportación de Capsicum de la empresa Quality Fields S.A.C. a Estados Unidos, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cruz, M., Portilla, I. Identificación de oportunidad comercial para la exportación de Capsicum de la empresa Quality Fields S.A.C. a Estados Unidos, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Identificación de oportunidad comercial para la exportación de Capsicum de la empresa Quality Fields S.A.C. a Estados Unidos, 2020",
author = "Portilla Bejarano, Ingrid Yanina",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The present research work entitled “Identification of commercial opportunity for the export of Capsicum of the company Quality Fields S.A.C. to the United States, 2020”, was developed with the purpose of investigating how the United States market is a commercial opportunity to promote the export of peppers from the company Quality Fields S.A.C. The type of research in this thesis is documentary of a simple descriptive nature; in other words, the research methodology used is non-experimental - transversal and the technique used in this research is the documentary review, therefore, a document review guide is applied as an instrument, by this modality it is understood that the researcher collects quantitative and qualitative data at different levels; however, they may vary in each of the these. Likewise, this research work presents results from primary sources obtained from Promperú, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Universidad Privada del Norte, journalistic articles, among others; which were analyzed and compared by secondary sources obtained mainly from TRADE MAP, VERITRADE, SUNAT.
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