Bibliographic citations
Polar, C., (2020). La influencia de la imagen corporativa sobre la lealtad del cliente de un banco comercial en la zona norte de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Polar, C., La influencia de la imagen corporativa sobre la lealtad del cliente de un banco comercial en la zona norte de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "La influencia de la imagen corporativa sobre la lealtad del cliente de un banco comercial en la zona norte de Lima",
author = "Polar Ruiz, Consuelo del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The purpose of this research is to know the degree of influence of the corporate image on the loyalty of the clients of a commercial bank in the northern area of Lima, taking as a correlational- explanatory analysis, which will be carried out based on information obtained through customer surveys of the Izaguirre headquarters BCP. This research was apáglied with a non-experimental design with a cross-section, the population and sample that was taken was made up of 120 people who carry out bank transactions in the northern Lima area; For this investigation it was possible to apágly the technique of the online survey, as an instrument a questionnaire of 29 questions was used. Among the results that were obtained, it can be highlighted that there is a relationship of the corporate image on the customer loyalty of a commercial bank in the northern area of Lima; using the Spearman method (0.998) and a significance of 0.00 <than 0.05. Likewise, we can demonstrate that the corporate image has a significant effect on loyalty, since the image with which a company is displayed creates perceptions that are made based on the attributes and benefits that attract the attention of the customer, thereby generating a preference and being able to strengthen a favorable bond.
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