Bibliographic citations
Guillen, A., Galvez, C. (2020). Cálculo de la socavación en el puente Libertad mediante simulación hidráulica en HEC RAS y datos hidrométricos de los años 1965 al 2017, distrito San José, provincia de Pacasmayo - 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Guillen, A., Galvez, C. Cálculo de la socavación en el puente Libertad mediante simulación hidráulica en HEC RAS y datos hidrométricos de los años 1965 al 2017, distrito San José, provincia de Pacasmayo - 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Cálculo de la socavación en el puente Libertad mediante simulación hidráulica en HEC RAS y datos hidrométricos de los años 1965 al 2017, distrito San José, provincia de Pacasmayo - 2020",
author = "Galvez Alcalde, Chris Belu",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
The present research work was carried out in the district of San José, province of Pacasmayo with the objective of studying the undermining phenomenon in the Libertad bridge by means of hydraulic simulation in HEC RAS. Basic engineering studies were carried out in conjunction with the CIVIL 3D, RIVER, HIDROESTA and ARCGIS software to obtain technical information that would enable permanent flow regime hydraulic modeling in HEC RAS. From the topographic study sections of the Jequetepeque river were obtained in the CIVIL 3D software, the topographic survey of 48,320m of the river was taken as a reference. From the Geotechnical study by means of granulometric analysis of the river material, the Dm, D50 and D95 were determined at 12,319mm, 12,351mm and 36,303mm respectively. The Hydrological study served to determine geomorphological characteristics of the Jequetepeque basin using ARCGIS (area 3935.42 km2, perimeter 466.55 km, length of the main channel 173.29km, etc.) and design flows for different return periods (10, 50, 100, 300 and 500 years) with statistical methods (Gumbel, Nash, Pearson III and Log Normal) and empirical (Mac Math, Fuller, Regional de Creager and Tucci) with the RIVER and HIDROESTA programs, determining the design flows 875.01m3/s, 1271.42 m3/s, 1442.14 m3/s, 1712.73 m3/s and 1838.55 m3/s. For the undercut, the methods of Lischtvan-Levediev and Laursen (1995) were used to calculate the general undercut; Artamonov, Hire (1993), Froehlich (1991), Neill and CSU, for local undercutting in abutments and pillars. Among the main results, a general undercut of 2.78m was obtained, local undercut in abutment of 4.88m and a local undercut in pillars of 1.12m for a return period of 500 years, finally the construction of lateral dikes and breakwater mantles is proposed for pillar protection.
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