Bibliographic citations
Silva, N., (2015). Administración de recursos humanos y la calidad de servicio que brindan las empresas de restauración de la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Silva, N., Administración de recursos humanos y la calidad de servicio que brindan las empresas de restauración de la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2015.
title = "Administración de recursos humanos y la calidad de servicio que brindan las empresas de restauración de la ciudad de Trujillo",
author = "Silva Escobedo, Nery Stefany",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2015"
Human resources management is an issue of utmost importance, especially in service sector, since workers are in charge of serving customers and have in their hands the ability to generate a quality service, development, retention and satisfaction. However, the lack of knowledge and monetary interests impedes its importance, creating a gap between the value generated and perceived by the client. The objective of this thesis is to verify the influence of human resources management in the quality of service offered by categorized restaurants in Trujillo. The procedure followed was the determination of the quality of service perceived by customers of the restaurants and the verification of compliance with the steps in the human resources management. The results of the research, by F test, allowed to confirm the hypothesis on the influence of the variable management of human resources in service quality.
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