Bibliographic citations
Morales, J., Méndez, M. (2018). Propuesta de mejora de proceso aplicando la metodología de las 5'S en la gestión del proceso de almacén de la empresa Samma Importaciones EIRL, Lima, 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Morales, J., Méndez, M. Propuesta de mejora de proceso aplicando la metodología de las 5'S en la gestión del proceso de almacén de la empresa Samma Importaciones EIRL, Lima, 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Propuesta de mejora de proceso aplicando la metodología de las 5'S en la gestión del proceso de almacén de la empresa Samma Importaciones EIRL, Lima, 2017",
author = "Méndez Echevarría, Manuel Aurelio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The project that we are going to present is the proposal for improvement in warehouse management of the company Samma Importaciones EIRL, that belongs to the microenterprise sector, which is dedicated to the commercialization of cosmetic products, with points of sale distributed in the districts of Lima Norte, the main Sama Importaciones warehouse is located at Km. 34.5 of the Panamericana Norte, in the district of Puente Piedra, Lima. In the first chapter of the project, we are going to talk about the real problems of the companies considered Mype (Micro and small company) in global context; where the problems faced by these organizations influenced by globalization are made known, due to the low level of competitiveness that many of them present, a situation that prevents them from being able to offer their products to foreign markets. Spite of this, it is highlighted that these companies have a great presence in the economy of the countries; and that thanks to the Mype, many jobs are generated. Microenterprises represent 95% of the total of all business strata where medium and large companies are also located. But, despite being a fairly representative percentage, governments in turn do not support their work with laws that facilitate their performance, according to the statistical yearbook of the Ministry of Production issued in 2015; where it is also mentioned that, cosmetic products and pharmaceutical and medicinal products, have registered an average growth of their sales of 4.6% from 2010 to 2015. Under this scenario the position of the company Samma Importaciones EIRL is described, which also evidences a growth in its sales and also the problems it faces when belonging to the micro-enterprise sector that grows in a disorderly manner. In this way, this chapter shows the main problem that the company is going through, in its warehouse management process where it focuses on two areas of analysis, such as: Inventory control, which is determined by the need to fight against the rupture of stock, the high level of inventory and the obsolescence of the products because they are inadequately stocked and another axis that motivates the research is the search time, which is generated when the sales area carries out its product requirement to replenish its stock on display and the delay occurs when identifying and selecting the requested products in the warehouse. In the second chapter, we present studies related to our research, which were developed within the national and international scope. These studies serve as a basis for the methodology used in our work. Likewise, the whole theory regarding the problem that has been identified in the company's warehouse process is shown, and it is where the improvement will be applied with the 5 "S" methodology that will allow us to achieve our objectives; in the first place, maximizing control at the inventory level of the warehouse and reducing the search time of the cosmetic products of the company Samma Importaciones EIRL. These concepts are presented under the development of two factors that delimit all our research; the independent variable called, "Methodology of the 5 S" and the dependent variable that is the "Warehouse Management". The interrelation of these two variables is described by the development of engineering techniques and tools, accompanied by their respective application procedures, these techniques that are applied are: Process map, flow diagrams, Brainstorming, Pareto diagram, the cause and effect analysis and the methodology of the 5 "S" s with their respective execution schedule prepared in a Gantt chart. Finally, the definition of the terms that will be used in the drafting of our project and are used in logistics and engineering is expressed. In the third chapter, the current situation is presented following the AS-IS model and the TO-BE model. In the development of the first specific objective, different engineering tools were used to identify and analyze the existing problems that represented a critical situation within the warehouse management process; For this purpose, the Process Map was drawnIing up to determine which process is considered critical and, within that, the activity that generates delays or losses for the company. In the development of these exploratory tools a meeting is established where the technique of brainstorming is applied, the result of this technique gives rise to a consensus where it identifies the five most relevant, recurrent and feasible problems to improve. With these selected problems the "Law of 80/20" with the Pareto diagram is applied; which allows us to highlight the two most relevant problems. The problems identified are the lack of control over the inventory level; which generates over stock, obsolescence and stock rupture and the delay in the search of products in the warehouse. Taking into account these specific problems, the cause and effect analysis and the Porqués technique on warehouse management are carried out. The specific problems selected become objectives to be executed. In the development of the second specific objective, the aim is to determine the control level of the inventory of the warehouse, the methodology of the 5 "S" in the pilot test is applied to one of the environments destined for the storage of cosmetic products of the company, with the intention to replicate it in all environments that are used as deposits. The procedure to carry out the methodology will have a day of initial training, where the development of the application of the first Seiri principle will be presented, which consists in removing and classifying all the objects found in the warehouse, identifying among them the necessary ones that are those that they must remain in place and the unnecessary ones that will be classified with their red card and retired to a quarantine environment for final disposal. In the second Seiton principle, a distribution plan was elaborated and the environment where we ordered the products left after having removed the boxes, monitors and other objects unrelated to the business turn was implemented, with the third principle we carried out the respective cleaning of the environment. Also, with the purpose of guiding our improvement in the control activity and the internal supply of cosmetic products to the company's points of sale; with the application of the fourth standardization principle began labeling the shelves with the classification of ABC which caused a visual change of the environment and the perception of employees, also implemented fire extinguishers and security lines, to subsequently develop the warehouse regulation, finally, the fifth principle of the discipline was applied, which consisted basically of periodic evaluations inside the warehouse to guarantee the level reached of the first four principles; all the methodology used made it possible to remove the stock and thus determine the percentage of missing products within the pilot warehouse. In relation to the development of the third specific objective, the application of the methodology of the 5 "S" generated the appropriate conditions to be able to reduce or decrease the search time of the products inside the warehouse, this new situation will facilitate the delivery in time of the Cosmetic products requested by the different points of sale that are located in the different districts of the city of Lima Norte, managing to satisfy at the opportune moment, the needs of the client. Finally, periodic evaluations were carried out with the evaluation format where each principle was evaluated after being implemented to determine its performance, obtaining the results that are expressed in the following chapter. In the development of the fourth specific objective, the results obtained in the pilot test inside the warehouse are presented in a detailed way, being able to identify 28.67% of missing products of the total of products that the company commercializes; In addition, it was determined that the largest amount of dye products in the warehouse are concentrated in whose levels or degrees of rotation are medium (B) with 43.11% of the total, low rotation (C) with 24.92% and only 31.96% is concentrated on products whose turnover level is high (A). Likewise, with the application of the methodology of the 5 "S" in the pilot test, 89.94% was reduced, the time spent in the search of the products inside the warehouse, in comparison with the time taken in the same store before said test. Also the valuation of the cost benefit of the application of the 5 "S" methodology in warehouse management, generates economic improvements for the company; considering that the implementation has a total cost of S /. 11 704.00 soles and the benefits for the company is the reduction of the economic losses of S / 13 079.00 soles, which are generated by the problems that exist in the management of the warehouse, this implementation cost will be recovered in a shorter time than one year. In the fourth chapter, the conclusions and recommendations of the present study are expressed; In relation to the first specific objective, using the engineering tools it was possible to identify the two most relevant problems for the company: the first problem that was identified is the control of the inventory whose percentage represents 33.7%; and the second problem is the search time of the cosmetic products requested by the different points of sale, whose percentage represents 27.2%; These specific problems represent 60.9% of the company's total problems. These percentages were found using the Pareto principle. In relation to the second specific objective it is possible to determine 28.67% of missing products, which will allow us to take immediate actions in terms of making the arrangements such as purchase orders, in order to replace the stock in the shortest time missing this will allow us to meet the requirements of the different points of sale 100%. Likewise, with the implementation of the 5 "S" methodology, it is possible to determine that the total capital invested in the 8 items studied out of a total of 3680 is S /. 94,873.20 soles (see Table No. 3-42); this result will allow us to make decisions such as the possibility to increase the purchase of products whose turnover level is high (A) and to reduce or even not buy those products whose turnover level is low (B). Likewise, you can also reduce the capital invested in the colors whose rotation levels are Medium (B) with 42.89% of the total investment and Low (C) 22.57% of the total investment, such reduction would be used for the purchase of those colors that you do not have in stock, as well as for the purchase of colors whose level of rotation is High (A), in this way you will get that the points of sale have all the products, managing to satisfy the needs of the client and increasing the sales of the company. In relation to the third specific objective of reducing the search time of cosmetic products in the Samma Importaciones warehouse; it is concluded that, by applying the first three principles of the 5 "S" methodology, it is possible to significantly reduce the search time; However, in order to give sustainability to the achievement obtained, it is necessary to apply the following two principles, such as standardization and discipline. In relation to the fourth specific objective, it is concluded that the implementation of the 5 "S" methodology in warehouse management is beneficial for the company, since in less than one year it will recover the costs generated by said implementation. We recommend that the company Samma Importaciones EIRL acquires an inventory control software, this program could be the Casnet, and it is a software that is being used by companies of the same category, in order to replace the manual and visual control that it currently performs. It is also recommended that other researchers be thoroughly imbued with knowledge related to the process to improve and use the different engineering tools to be able to determine the main problems, then choose the tool or methodology to be used to improve the process, thereby being able to reduce or improve processes that do not add value to further minimize the times of each activity that makes up the process.
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