Bibliographic citations
Casanova, H., Yepez, R. (2024). Nivel de percepción de un huésped con respecto a la responsabilidad social empresarial de un hotel en Chicama, 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Casanova, H., Yepez, R. Nivel de percepción de un huésped con respecto a la responsabilidad social empresarial de un hotel en Chicama, 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2024.
title = "Nivel de percepción de un huésped con respecto a la responsabilidad social empresarial de un hotel en Chicama, 2022",
author = "Yepez Chicoma, Ronny Anthony",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2024"
The research aims to identify the level of perception of a guest with respect to corporate social responsibility of a hotel in Chicama, since the positive or negative impact of corporate social responsibility actions is not measured if they are being applied optimally from the perception of the guests and for the benefit of the stakeholders. This research is non-experimental, cross-sectional and with respect to the scope is descriptive, simple and with a quantitative approach and probabilistic sampling, likewise the survey technique was applied to 119 guests, which resulted in a high level of perception of a guest with respect to corporate social responsibility of a hotel in Chicama, with a total average of 4.25, which analyzed the perception in 3 dimensions of the variable (economic = 4.24, environmental = 4.18 and social = 4.33). It was concluded that the focus on generating and transcending shared value through CSR should be maintained through the continuous search for initiatives so that efforts do not remain static.
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