Bibliographic citations
Ruiz, J., Palacios, L. (2014). Plan comercial basado en el uso de una Fan Page para influir en la aceptación e introducción de la marca Moda y Estilo en el mercado Trujillano [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Ruiz, J., Palacios, L. Plan comercial basado en el uso de una Fan Page para influir en la aceptación e introducción de la marca Moda y Estilo en el mercado Trujillano [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2014.
title = "Plan comercial basado en el uso de una Fan Page para influir en la aceptación e introducción de la marca Moda y Estilo en el mercado Trujillano",
author = "Palacios Mauricio, Lizbeth J.",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2014"
Moda y Estilo brand is new on the market so it was decided to focus the budget to maximize the benefits of communication and advertising offered by the Internet. Internet shopping today is more used and has become increasingly widespread; however, due to the amount products and services on the market, it is difficult to make the rotation of products to be fast. The strategy is to use the internet to search for the specified clients. In order to proof this statement, we have analyzed the benefits provided by the social networks, especially Facebook, as well as the conditions and resources that the company has to operate in the current environment. Then, we can focus on the consumer, in their preferences and ratings of product attributes that we offer. It is important to define the nature of our consumer when he interact and use of Facebook, so that we can impact his further decision. It has been determined that with a proper and organized operational plan of the company, and the brand management developed in Facebook , its posible to make this bussiness idea became a viable and profitable idea . Finally, it can be concluded that the consumer is very sophisticated in their behavior in the moment of purchase. The attributes that are valued the most are the exclusivity and price, and also the quality of products that is something that is expected in any market. Additionally, the access to internet has become commoditized, and with this, people have more business information. If the company wants to get customers, the company will have to cover almost all applications and programs that the target uses.
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