Bibliographic citations
Valencia, Y., Izquierdo, L. (2018). Impacto de la tecnología de información en la toma de decisiones financieras de Grifo Trapiche S.R.L., Comas, 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Valencia, Y., Izquierdo, L. Impacto de la tecnología de información en la toma de decisiones financieras de Grifo Trapiche S.R.L., Comas, 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Impacto de la tecnología de información en la toma de decisiones financieras de Grifo Trapiche S.R.L., Comas, 2017",
author = "Izquierdo Delgado, Lita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
At present, the use of information technologies is a fundamental element in the integration of a company's activities, since as it grows it requires more information and needs a tool to help it. The implementation of information technologies contributes to the reduction of time, processes, costs and the delivery of more accurate information that will allow them to make decisions according to their needs. Due to all these technological advances we have decided to carry out the present investigation. In this research work that has the title: Impact of information technology in the financial decision making of Grifo Trapiche S.R.L. Comas-2017, is a non-experimental descriptivecross- sectional type, aims to determine the impact of information technology in making financial decisions in Grifo Trapiche SRL and as specific objectives to determine how the lack of an accounting system affects the taking of financial decisions and determine the limitations that the use of information technologies brings in making financial decisions, having as independent variable information technology and the dependent variable decision making. Based on the analysis carried out in the present investigation, it allowed us to corroborate that information technologies do impact on the financial decision-making of the company, since the implemented system has unified and automates the accounting operation, it is faster in the execution of the processes, the costs and errors in the calculations for the payment of taxes have been reduced. This information obtained will be of great help for making strategic decisions, tactical or operational, long or short term provide us with reports necessary to have a clearer picture of the situation of the company. It was also determined that the lack of an accounting system affects the financial decision making of the company, this is verified in the interview to employees, where they indicate that the lack of a system can lead to wrong information and delayed. Also, the acquired data allowed us to corroborate that the limitations of the use of information technologies affect the financial decision-making, these results were confirmed in the interview conducted, where it is shown that the main drawbacks are the internet, the capacity of the PC and the updates of the same system, these problems lead to the loss of time and the possible presentation of wrong information.
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