Bibliographic citations
Salazar, N., (2021). Implementación de un procedimiento de auditoría de proveedores para reducir la materia prima no conforme del alimento balanceado para camarón en Vitapro S. A., planta Trujillo [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Salazar, N., Implementación de un procedimiento de auditoría de proveedores para reducir la materia prima no conforme del alimento balanceado para camarón en Vitapro S. A., planta Trujillo [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Implementación de un procedimiento de auditoría de proveedores para reducir la materia prima no conforme del alimento balanceado para camarón en Vitapro S. A., planta Trujillo",
author = "Salazar Castro, Natalie Olenka",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The objective of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to determine the impact of the implementation of a supplier audit procedure in reducing the non-conforming raw material of the balanced feed for shrimp in Vitapro S.A, Trujillo plant. For which an initial diagnosis was made, where it was determined that the most critical causes of the existence of non-compliant raw material of the balanced feed for shrimp were: the lack of monitoring and control of the raw material suppliers and the lack of control of the conditions of the stored raw material. It is worth mentioning that in this investigation we only focused on solving the cause of greatest impact, which had to do directly with the suppliers. At the end it was possible to determine that the implementation of a supplier audit procedure reduced the amount of non-conforming raw material of the balanced feed for shrimp in Vitapro SA by 82%, also through a T-student test it was possible to corroborate that the Implementation of the supplier audit procedure reduces non-conforming raw material for shrimp feed at Vitapro SA, Trujillo plant.
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