Bibliographic citations
Torrejón, A., (2018). Características funcionales de los espacios pedagógicos que permitan el desarrollo de las capacidades perceptivo - motrices en estudiantes de los niveles de inicial y primaria del distrito de Cajamarca – 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Torrejón, A., Características funcionales de los espacios pedagógicos que permitan el desarrollo de las capacidades perceptivo - motrices en estudiantes de los niveles de inicial y primaria del distrito de Cajamarca – 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Características funcionales de los espacios pedagógicos que permitan el desarrollo de las capacidades perceptivo - motrices en estudiantes de los niveles de inicial y primaria del distrito de Cajamarca – 2017",
author = "Torrejón Ledezma, Augusto Escipión",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The present research paper entitled "FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL SPACES THAT ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERCEPTUAL-MOTOR CAPACITIES IN THE STUDENTS OF THE INITIAL AND PRIMARY LEVELS OF THE DISTRICT OF CAJAMARCA IN 2017”, It was developed with the objective of determining the functional characteristics of the pedagogical spaces, through bibliographic information, case analysis, observation sheets to educational agents involved in the subject. This research of primary and secondary sources has as directionality the development of the perceptual-motor capacities in the students in the initial and primary levels of the district of Cajamarca. These educational levels of the regular basic education of our country were chosen because they are the primary or essential in the education of the human being, and because in there is where to start the development of the perceptual-motor capacities that allow the student to know, to live, live together, take care and to value the person and the eviromental sorrpundings. It is difficult for the student to interact in a globalized world if in his initial formation hasn´t developed these capacities in adequate educational spaces conforming to the reality that limiting in the future they competitiveness, feature in which always in basic education must necessarily be present. This paper is constituted in seven chapters: The chapter 1 contains the approach of the problem and methodological aspects of research, also describes the study problem, objectives, hypothesis, background and methodology; the chapter 2 describes the theoretical framework what is referred to the functional characteristics of educational spaces and perceptive - motor capabilities that have as north architectural design of an educational institution for initial and primary levels, proposal for our local environment; in chapter 3 is indicated the hypothesis, variables and operationalization of variables in the research; the chapter 4 it´s refers to the material, methods and procedures used; the chapter 5; describes the product of professional application related to the architectural proposal; the chapter 6, the results and analysis are recorded and the chapter 7 it’s about the discussion of the paper that indicate the functional characteristics of educational spaces that allow the development of perceptual-motor skills in students of initial and primary levels, that supporting the architectural design of the Educational Institution. Finally, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and annex of the study are presented.
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