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Mendoza, C., Palomino, A. (2021). E-commerce y su importancia en épocas de COVID-19 en la zona norte del Perú [Artículo científico, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Mendoza, C., Palomino, A. E-commerce y su importancia en épocas de COVID-19 en la zona norte del Perú [Artículo científico]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "E-commerce y su importancia en épocas de COVID-19 en la zona norte del Perú",
author = "Palomino Pita, Ayrton Franz",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
Title: E-commerce y su importancia en épocas de COVID-19 en la zona norte del Perú
Authors(s): Mendoza Vargas, Carolina; Palomino Pita, Ayrton Franz
Advisor(s): Oblitas Cruz, Jimy Frank
Keywords: Comercio electrónico; Compras; COVID-19; Pandemia; Compras en línea
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2021
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: El COVID-19 ha sido el causante de muchos cambios en la actualidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia del Covid-19 en la motivación de compra online en los pobladores de la zona norte del Perú, motivo por el cual el e-commerce ha pasado a tener un papel protagónico para ser estudiado, antes y después de la pandemia. La presente investigación es un estudio de tipo descriptivo, correlacional. Para la obtención de información se realizó una encuesta, de la cual se encuestó a 3193 personas. Los resultados dan cuenta de: después del COVID-19 las compras por internet (61.35%) han pasado a liderar el mercado, con un crecimiento del 51.77%, mientras que antes del COVID-19 lideraban las compras en tiendas físicas (90.42%). Además, esta pandemia ha generado que las preferencias de la compra de las personas cambien radicalmente. Se concluye que la situación coyuntural que estamos atravesando debido a la pandemia COVID-19, es una situación complicada, que lleva a las empresas y a los consumidores, a probar y experimentar, nuevos modelos de compras como el medio online. Las empresas, deberán tener la capacidad de abastecer a sus consumidores y generar en ellos buenas experiencias.
The COVID-19 has been the cause of many changes nowadays.The objective of this work is to measure the influence of Covid-19 on the motivation of online shopping in the inhabitants of the northern area of Peru, this is why the commerce has come to have a leading role that now we are studying, not just after the pandemic but before. The present investigation is a descriptive, correlational study. To obtain this information, a survey was made in a group of 3193 inhabitants. The main results is that after COVID-19 internet shopping (61.35 %) has come to lead the market, with a growth of 51.77% percent, whereas before the covid -19 the physical shopping in stores led (90.42%). Also, this pandemic has changed radically people’s preferences. We concluded that the conjunctural situation that we are going through because of the covid19 pandemic is a complicated situation, which make companies and consumers to try and experiment with new models of buy and seld such as the online shopping. Companies must have the ability to supply their consumers and generate good experiences for them.
The COVID-19 has been the cause of many changes nowadays.The objective of this work is to measure the influence of Covid-19 on the motivation of online shopping in the inhabitants of the northern area of Peru, this is why the commerce has come to have a leading role that now we are studying, not just after the pandemic but before. The present investigation is a descriptive, correlational study. To obtain this information, a survey was made in a group of 3193 inhabitants. The main results is that after COVID-19 internet shopping (61.35 %) has come to lead the market, with a growth of 51.77% percent, whereas before the covid -19 the physical shopping in stores led (90.42%). Also, this pandemic has changed radically people’s preferences. We concluded that the conjunctural situation that we are going through because of the covid19 pandemic is a complicated situation, which make companies and consumers to try and experiment with new models of buy and seld such as the online shopping. Companies must have the ability to supply their consumers and generate good experiences for them.
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Discipline: Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Gerencia de Marketing y Gestión Comercial
Juror: Balbin Ramos, Wesly Rudy; Alegria F, Luis Fernando; Cotrina Malca, Luis Miguel
Register date: 4-May-2022
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