Bibliographic citations
Vásquez, K., (2018). La demanda internacional de alimento balanceado peruano y su influencia en la competitividad de la empresa Molinorte S.A.C ubicada en el distrito de Moche, Trujillo 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vásquez, K., La demanda internacional de alimento balanceado peruano y su influencia en la competitividad de la empresa Molinorte S.A.C ubicada en el distrito de Moche, Trujillo 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "La demanda internacional de alimento balanceado peruano y su influencia en la competitividad de la empresa Molinorte S.A.C ubicada en el distrito de Moche, Trujillo 2018",
author = "Vásquez Rodríguez, Katherine Lisseth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
Molinorte SAC is a company located in Moche district, and it has more than 40 years of experience in the production and marketing of animal feed in the Avi-Livestock and Aquaculture Industry in the regional market of the north of the country, and despite the vast experience and their desire to internationalize, the company has not yet reached to participate on the international market. Thus, the company runs the risk of increasing the distance that separates from the competition, as well as limit its production. Therefore, this research has the main objective to determine the influence of the international demand of Peruvian animal feed in the competitiveness of Molinorte SAC. The desing applied was nonExperimental, Descriptive-Correlational. In addition, the instruments used were a quiz taken to a group of employees of Molinorte company, as well as interviews with people who know about the animal feed industry. The results obtained indicate that the demand of animal feed has been increasing in recent years reaching $ 224 million dollars and 214, 472 tons in 2017 while Peru registered $ 209 million dollars with a growth in value of 17% in 2016. On the other hand, the company’s production grew abysmally in a 1,696.74%, acoording to reports, in 2014 there were only 2,824 TN of balanced feed and by the year 2017, this amount reached 47, 916 TN, even though the company is only occupying 50% of their installed capacity. Additionally, the dimensions of quality assurance and financial management are those that have shown a greater improvement in recent years and it´s proved through the achievement of obtaining the ISO 9001, an optimum quality control of the product, as well as an adequate use of financial planning tools and greater access to funding sources. Likewise, the aspects of production and operations and administrative management are improving with respect to the ability to adapt products to new requirements according to the trends of the external client and the preparation of the employees of the operational area, however, there are still certain deficiencies to improve like infrastructure, development of a marketing plan oriented to an foreign market, as well as a low level of the staff preparation and lack of training about exportation process. In spite of this, the impact of this boom in balanced feed exports has been huge, so it concludes that the international demand of balanced feed has influenced the Molinorte company´s competitiveness.
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