Bibliographic citations
Cotrina, D., (2023). Estabilización de subrasante de suelos arenosos – arcillosos (a 2-4) con adición parcial del 7%, 13%, 19% y 26% de cenizas del hueso de melocotón para la progresiva 4 + 270 a la progresiva 8 +390 de la Avenida Alisos - Lima Norte-2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cotrina, D., Estabilización de subrasante de suelos arenosos – arcillosos (a 2-4) con adición parcial del 7%, 13%, 19% y 26% de cenizas del hueso de melocotón para la progresiva 4 + 270 a la progresiva 8 +390 de la Avenida Alisos - Lima Norte-2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Estabilización de subrasante de suelos arenosos – arcillosos (a 2-4) con adición parcial del 7%, 13%, 19% y 26% de cenizas del hueso de melocotón para la progresiva 4 + 270 a la progresiva 8 +390 de la Avenida Alisos - Lima Norte-2023",
author = "Cotrina Orrillo, Darlyn Jacob",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work is to "Stabilize the subgrade of sandy-clayey soils (A 2-4) with the partial addition of 7% 13% 19% 26% of peach bone ash from progressive 4+270 to the progressive 8+390 Avenida Aliso - Lima Norte 2023”, as a technique to improve the sandy-clayey soils (A 2-4) of the subgrade. The complexity of road projects, required by customers today, is increasing, there is a great variety of soils and a shortage of materials. To analyze and determine if it is possible to propose this additive to stabilize the subgrade of sandy-clayey soils (A 2-4), it is necessary to carry out modified Proctor, CBR, Consistency Limit tests, among others. The present investigation is an applied experimental study for which a field and laboratory investigation was carried out in which the level of measurement was quantitative since in the present investigation we will use the collection of numerical values to test the hypothesis, in the study the numerical data obtained in the tests carried out will be compared. Finally, we can conclude that it is possible to stabilize the subgrade of sandy-clayey soils (A 2-4) with the addition of peach bone ash at 7% 13% 19% 26% for progressive 4 + 270 to progressive 8 +390 of the avenue, which shows that IP and CBR improve as the amount of peach stone ash increases.
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