Bibliographic citations
Medina, C., Núñez, E. (2016). Condiciones turísticas del turismo esotérico en el recurso Marcahuasi en el pueblo de San Pedro de Casta-Lima en el año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Medina, C., Núñez, E. Condiciones turísticas del turismo esotérico en el recurso Marcahuasi en el pueblo de San Pedro de Casta-Lima en el año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Condiciones turísticas del turismo esotérico en el recurso Marcahuasi en el pueblo de San Pedro de Casta-Lima en el año 2016",
author = "Núñez Salazar, Elio Cesar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT Given developing cities in tourism; it can demonstrate the lack of innovative tourist offers; therefore, it is proposed to insert a proposed esoteric tourism, which shows Marcahuasi as one of the most important magnetic and energy centers of the world. Hence the action of time and wind have carved huge stone blocks on a series of enigmatic figures that form a very unique landscape, which would generate a buzz for both domestic and foreign tourists, leading to a growth of inbound tourism by promoting inclusion in the culture of the region and improving the quality of life of its population.
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