Bibliographic citations
Espino, S., Mandujano, G. (2022). Implementación de la metodología de mantenimiento planificado (TPM) y su influencia en el servicio al cliente del área de equipamiento biomédico en una empresa de servicios médicos, 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Espino, S., Mandujano, G. Implementación de la metodología de mantenimiento planificado (TPM) y su influencia en el servicio al cliente del área de equipamiento biomédico en una empresa de servicios médicos, 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Implementación de la metodología de mantenimiento planificado (TPM) y su influencia en el servicio al cliente del área de equipamiento biomédico en una empresa de servicios médicos, 2021",
author = "Mandujano Osorio, Gino Juan Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
Today, biomedical equipment plays an important role in people's health, well-being and quality of life. In this work of professional sufficiency, the main indicators of dissatisfaction in the clients of the company Nipro Medical Corporation Sucursal del Perú whose heading is that of the health sector are analyzed and that directly consult the availability of biomedical equipment. An analysis was carried out on the information of the company such as error history, technical documents, claims from the client, among others. Subsequently, through the Deming cycle, we apply planned maintenance (TPM) in the most relevant causes for customer dissatisfaction problems. Planned maintenance makes it possible to avoid any breakdown and affect the availability of biomedical equipment, in addition, it contributes to a better organization of the processes to be carried out in maintenance. After carrying out the implementation of the planned maintenance methodology, we reached the conclusion that waiting times are reduced, generating greater availability of equipment, improving customer satisfaction, thus achieving loyalty with the company. In turn, this implementation reduces the expense generated by fines, reducing the economic impact on the company.
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