Bibliographic citations
Chavez, C., Leon, M. (2017). Beneficios de la certificación orgánica para palta fuerte en el nivel socioeconómico de los productores de Aproadic en Sánchez Carrión, La Libertad 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Chavez, C., Leon, M. Beneficios de la certificación orgánica para palta fuerte en el nivel socioeconómico de los productores de Aproadic en Sánchez Carrión, La Libertad 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Beneficios de la certificación orgánica para palta fuerte en el nivel socioeconómico de los productores de Aproadic en Sánchez Carrión, La Libertad 2017",
author = "Leon Mendoza, Maria del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The present research was carried out in the province of Sánchez Carrión, aiming to know the reality of organic producers of strong avocado of the Association of Producers of the District of Cochorco (APROADIC) and thus contribute to the improvement of their current situation, and knowing how the fact of having the certified product has been beneficial for the associated producers. In Chapter I, the formulation of the problem was done, which did it in the impact of the organic certification on the producers, establish their limitations, justification and objectives that have to guide the investigation. In Chapter II, the basic concepts that are applied in the following chapters are explained through the theoretical framework. This is constituted by the framework of background, theoretical and basic terms, in addition to detailing the researches done previously, and the basic theoretical concepts of the subject. In addition to this is a very complete content in terms of organic certification. The necessary framework for understanding the socioeconomic level of producers is developed. Chapter III, it focuses on the formulation of the hypothesis, as a solution to the research problem and the operationalization of variables. Chapter IV, it determined the methodological design of the research, population and study sample, as well as the techniques and instruments that are necessary for the collection and analysis of the data obtained. Chapter V, it contains the analysis and interpretation of the results of the measurement of indicators, corresponding to the study variables. In Chapter VI we validate the hypothesis through the discussion of the results, based on the results obtained in the measurement of indicators. The last part of this research contains the annexes, which includes the professional application proposal, the data collection instruments and the consistency matrix. Finally, the present investigation concludes that the economic impact for APROADIC products is positive and the sale of avocado with the label "organic" is achieved. It is also concluded that the social impact for producers of APROADIC is minimal, since the sale of the product does not influence the social aspect of producers, stories such as education level, social status and social stratification. It also suggests that APROADIC's associate producers broaden market focus and check the economic benefits of certification for each APROADIC product.
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